The End

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Third POV

These next few weeks were most exciting to Elsa and the girls. They prepared a concert for fans after a few days of the wedding, Jack still haven't picked out a suit yet!

Now we start on the wedding..


"Oww!" Mer exclaimed when Punzie was combing her hair. "It's been two hours Mer," Punzie sighed in defeat. "Leave my hair like 'is!" Mer stood up smiling. The bands that Punzie tied to Mer's hair, fell to the ground.

I giggled loudly, "Is everyone ready?" I got my bouquet of roses, sunflowers, and forget me nots in a tight bun. "Ready." Hiccup and Eugene came into the room. The two boys tangled their hands into their girlfriends.

I took a deep shaky breath when Mer and Hic went out of the velvet first. The Punzie and Flynn. It was now my turn.


I took a deep breath to get rid of my nervousness. The music played as the velvet opened. Elsa had a long train of her dress still behind the curtain.

Anna walked down the aisle in the maid of honor dress. Elsa wore a sky blue ballgown, a purple, sheer cape around her back, and and beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Elsa.." I whispered with a wide smile spread across my face. Elsa smiled as she stood in front of me.

"Dearly beloved, Nah blah blah blah." I stopped listened as I kept looking at Elsa still in awe. "Jack." Hic nudged my arm.

"Huh? What?" I looked around and saw Elsa giggling. "Your vows." Elsa said.

"Oh right!" Hic handed me a small piece of paper.

"Elsa Winters, when we first met, I thought you were just another fan girl. But never have I thought we would be standing here, getting married, and having kids one day. I guess all my songs about finding love, would be difficult. Not this bond that we have Elsa. I wish to be with you for the rest of my young life, and into my older life." I stopped when I had reached the end of the small paper.

"Jack Frost, I would've never thought I would've found love. But when I met you, I knew anything was possible with you by my side. I would give up anything to be by your side, because I know nothing is worth more than love. I guess all my wishing against the stars and birthday candles, it would work one day. I couldn't been any prouder to be getting married to you."

The preacher smiled and looked back at his book. "You may kiss the bride."

I quickly dropped the piece of paper, and held onto Elsa's waist. Our lips touched, like the first time they ever did. I pulled away with everyone cheering. Me and Elsa laughed, running out of the room.

Months Later...

"Dude, this is gonna be the best concert we will ever have!" Hic had his guitar out. "It'll be our last concert too." I frowned sadly but Elsa came and laughed. "Embrace it Jack." Elsa gently punched my shoulder.

"Any idea what song we should do?" Mer stood beside Hic. Those two have been inseparable ever since me and Elsa's wedding. "A mashup!" Punzie squealed, fixing the mic.

"Got it. Follow my lead." Flynn said then ran on stage singing Chains. We just stood back and watched, waiting for our turn.

Flynn: With her wine-stained lips, yeah, she nothing but trouble
Cold to the touch but she's warm as a devil
I gave her my heart but she won't heal my soul
She takes 'til I break and I can't get more

You got me in chains, you got me in chains for your love
But I wouldn't change, no, I wouldn't change this love
You got me in chains, you got me in chains for your love
But I wouldn't change, no, I wouldn't change this love

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