Nightmare? No No

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It has been a few hours since the death of that red Steve, and I have built myself a house with a mine attached to it.

It has been a few hours since the death of that red Steve, and I have built myself a house with a mine attached to it

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"Now what to do?? Hmmmmmmmmm... Eh?! I have nothing to do!! COME ON!!"
It was then that I felt like someone was searching for me. Probably the darkness...

Should I look for it or not? Sure why not? Like super weird, so I knocked on the door. A Steve opened it and asked who I was and what I wanted.
"I just wanted to meet my new neighbor and I am Sabre! 😊" I said. "oh? And where do you live? 😁" he asked.
"I live that way a kilometre away." I said as I point southeast. Then he asked for me to show him my house, to which I obliged.
Ones we got there he noticed the waterfall not too far away. Just after I showed him around the house he realized that it was on a hill and that one half was supported by wood pillers. Then we talked about random things while we were walking back to his house and he mentioned that he had a friend who was a red Steve, he also said the he wanted to be one of the rainbow heroes while telling stories about them.
He wanted to introduce me to the other orange Steves but I told him that I don't have time and that I would be glad to meet them. As that was said, I left for my house.

A few days of mining later, I tried to contact orange Steve by going to his house. Nothing. I went around the house and saw platform so I stood on it. It teleported me to a hub of some sort and i saw orange Steve there just finishing building something. I walked up to him and tapped him on the solder, he jumped a bit and quickly spun around. " ahh, Sabre, it's just you" he said relived.

"yup just me" I said. Right after I said that it started raining lightning. When I looked around, I saw a portal made of yellow wool active. I looked back at him and asked that if he was going through that portal for me to come with him and to that he said sure. As we were about to go through that portal, I used my powers to see into the future and I saw a Steve that looked like he was being corrupted. I stopped using my powers as everything went white.

A few moments later, we found ourselves on a tower of what looked like an outpost of one kind of Steve and there were stairs going down and so we went down. Orange Steve called out to one of those Steves and called them yellow Steve. 'I guess that corrupted steve was a corrupted yellow steve' I thought.

Orange steve talked to the yellow steve for about 5min but i wasn't paying attentin. A few moments later the gate started opening and orange steve pulled me to hide but I looked out of the tent we were hiding in to see the corrupted yellow steve from my vision. When I came out of hiding and approached him I heard the other yellow steves wispering and one of them wispered that I was approaching the nightmare king.

"I never thought I would see a steve trying to control the darkness when they can easily get corrupted by the power and darkness and it's funny cuz you probubly think that I don't know anything but I was there when my brother created it. Sure I wasn't there when it entered this world but that doesn't matter. And btw you remind me a bit of my brother." I said trying to taunt him.

"Ha like you can't get corrupted." he threw back. " I can get corrupted but ONLY when my brother bribes me with something I went and even then, I can easily break out of it's control." I retorted

"Oh? Let's make a deal then"

"and what can that deal be? If I may ask."

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