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They sat in the waiting room chairs. He was calm as she kept fidgeting. She always worried. She didn't always say it but she was always worried.

He placed his hand on hers as she looked over at him as he smiled at her.

"Mr. Linetti?" A nurse said as she opened the door to the back of the office. He took a deep breath before standing up. He felt the embrace of a hand in his as they walked into an office.

As the nurse ushered them into the two seats in front of a desk. "Dr. Roberts will be with you shortly." The nurse said before exiting the room.

The air was thick in the room as minutes went by.

They both remained quiet until an older gentleman knocked on the door. "Mr. And Mrs. Linetti." He said walked over to the desk extending his hand to shake both sets of hands. "Take a seat guys" they both sat down just staring at the doctor as he looked over a file. He sighed as he closed the file and folded his hands on top of the Manila folder.

"Mr. Linetti your test came back. It doesn't appear that your body is reacting to the treatment as we hoped." Thea's face dropped. Her heart felt like it fell into her stomach as she stared at the doctor whose words were sounding like Charlie Browns Teacher. The more he talked the harder she gripped her husbands hand.

"We have one of two options here. We can either continue treatments and hope that things turn around" he looked over at Thea who was heavily breathing next to her husband before looking back at Dominic. "Or we can make you as comfortable as possible." 

Her head was spinning at that statement. Her chest started tightening up as if an elephant just took a seat right on her before she heard Dominic clear his throat. "I don't want to continue treatment." She heard. The room stopped moving she quickly shot her head over at him and opened her mouth to speak but the words wouldn't leave her mouth. "I just want to spend what I have left with my wife and daughter, not sick and having needles in my arms."

By the time they left the office and got home her blood was boiling. The entire car ride home was silent. No words. No music. Just silence.

When they entered the house Dominic unbuttoned his dress shirt folding it up and placing it on the back of the couch before walking into the kitchen.

Thea threw her purse on the table by the front door before following him into the kitchen. When she entered Dominic was closing the fridge as she heard the crack of a beer. She stared at him he was still in his dress pants and wore a short sleeve undershirt. As he took a sip placing the can onto the counter. He leaned on the counter looking back at his wife. Seeing the hurt and anger in her eyes he finally spoke.

"Let's hear it." He said as she shook her head at the man "so that's it? You're just giving up? Just like that." She spat at her husband as he took his free hand and rubbed his hand on his bald head. "I'm not giving up!" He exclaimed "oh really!" She said loudly moving closer to the man "then please tell me what not continuing treatment exactly is because to me that's you giving up on life Dominic" she said as her voice escalated.

He slammed his hand on the counter "god damn it Thea! You think I want to do this? Either option fucking sucks! I don't want to spend the last days of my god damn life not being able to actually spend it with you or our daughter." She shook her head in disbelief at him "you are unbelievable you know that?" She said at this point screaming.

It was rare that Dominic or Thea raised their voices at each other. So her standing in front of him angrier then he's ever seen her and screaming at something he did crushed him. "You don't think I've spent every single day for the last year and half thinking about what's going to happen to you? That I haven't spent thinking about what it's going to be like to not see Leia grow up? Or the fact that I won't be there to give her away on her god damn wedding day?! Thea do you really think that I haven't been sitting here torturing myself thinking of all these things I'm going to miss then you are god damn delusional" he yelled back. His voice cracking as he held back the tears. She stood there. Tears steaming down her face "I gotta get out of here" she said quickly turning her back and exiting the kitchen. As he heard the door slam he picked up his can and threw it at the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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