Chapter 1

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After a night of partying Jaemin wondered how he managed to find his way home. Who was the person in bed next to him?. Why was his room in such a bad shape when he left it spotless?. He pondered at the thought of possibly sleeping with and unknown person, did people see them together at the party?, had he not went to Jackson party this wouldn't have happened.
But he couldn't deny his study partner who spent hours tutoring the boy cause he couldn't understand basic programming. So he agreed to show up for a while not wanting to sully his good boy image he worked so hard to maintain just because of a party. He came back to reality when the unknown person next to him groaned and shifted. He stared at the boy wondering what he would say when he woke up, would he criticize Jaemin for bringing him home? Does he like boys?. Jaemin always hated it when he had one night stands with guys who acted 'gay' but when they awoke the next day got mad and blamed the boy for destroying their pride.

As Jaemin walked through the hallways he was greeted by his fellow classmates, both genders always loved seeing the brunette in the morning with his cheerful attitude.

"Hey jaemin-ah!!" Lucas announced seeing his favorite dongsaeng.

"Hey hyung" Jaemin replied.

"How was the party?, we wanted to go but couldn't. I hope you understand." Lucas told the boy as he looked down to him being much more taller than the brunette.

Jaemin looked at his hyung if they had showed up like promised. This entire ordeal wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't have slept with that unknown boy. He couldn't blame him however considering he was taking care of his fellow friends who've got food poisoning the following day.

"It's alright hyung I understand." He chuckled.

Jaemin always hated having to deal with people. He didn't like being a socialist. When he first started attending he tried to maintain a small group of friends which ended up evolving into a twenty-three member friend group. Half of which he never talked to unless the moment called for it. His fellow peers wondered why the boy was in a friend group with the schools biggest bully Lee Jeno. Jaemin himself always wondered that also, he always saw jeno hanging with his other friends who he considered acquaintances.

"Hey!!" Haechan said as he aggressively grabbed the boy, snatching him from his thoughts about the night prior. 

Jaemin grimaced at the thought of haechan kissing him this early in the morning. So he gently pushed haechan away wanting his own private space back.

"Hey marks lover" he replied to haechan with a smirk plastered on his angelic face.

"How was yugyeom last night?" Haechan smirked at the boy.

So that was his name the brunette thought. He had a nice figure, he left plenty of love bites on his Body. He blushed at the thought of his friends seeing his neck. Lucky he wore a hoodie.

"He must've been good if he has you blushing like that nana" Chenle remarked at the subtle teasing.

"Ya! Lele, why are teasing me also?" He pouted at the younger.

"No reason" he smiled at his hyung.

"Hmph" Jaemin pouted.

"Hey Lucas!, you got time to speak before class?" a deep voice spoke.

"Yeah?" Lucas replied.

Jaemin stared at Jaehyun wondering what he wanted to say to Lucas.

"Hey hyung!!" Jaemin greeted in a cheerful response.

"Ah jaemin, wassup?. Saw you at Jackson's party last night" Jaehyun spoke. 

"Oh really? I didn't see you though?" He replied.

"I was hanging with the others in the back room. I saw you when I was getting another cup" Jaehyun said wondering what he meant. He clearly remembered Jaemin talking to him last night. Was Jaemin that drunk? He thought.

"He was most likely..Well Jaemin was blacked out last night" haechan said exposing the boy.

"I wasn't that drunk" Jaemin spat

"Oh really?" Jeno chuckled. He saw the brunette having a make out session with yugyeom in the bathroom. 

Jaemin just stared in response. He never talked to Jeno. He didn't want to associate himself with a jerk. 

"Cat got your tongue?" Jeno smirked. He loved it when he felt more dominant then the latter. He himself thought Jaemin was cute enough to be one of his one night stands.

Jaemin rolled his eyes.

To be continued....

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