Chapter 3

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Once Jeno stopped the car, turning off his engine. He stared at Jaemin watching his every move. He brought the boy to his house, why? No specific reason why. He just didn't want to be alone in a depressing house. Yes his parents were rich, like every typical rich household there wasn't an ounce of love. He always wanted to play games with his father but his father always stared at Jeno with disdain. His parents were forced into an arranged marriage neither one wanting to marry each other. Jeno's mother the daughter of Chairman Lee was coddled by her father so much she believed everything she wanted would soon be hers. She fell in love with a foreign person wanting to marry the man and have kids with him someday but that wouldn't happen. She was forced to Mary Jeno's father Min Ji-woo the son of Executive Min Ha-eun. Because both their parents wanted to raise their status and power in the business world and it just so happened they had heirs different with genders. Once the two were married, they fought everyday not wanting to see each other. They gradually got used to each other presence in the dead house. Their parents always bothering the pair about having a grandchild. Then Lee Jeno was born taking his mothers surname, because she didn't like the thought of her son taking that bastards surname!, Jeno's father was always in a  scandal ruining their image as a prestigious household. That's why his mother hated him, if his father didn't cheat on his mom every chance he got. Just maybe their household wouldn't have turned out how it did. And maybe his older brother wouldn't have been sent away.

He opened his door, walking over to Jaemin side opening it for the brunette letting him out because his door was on child lock. He chuckled.

Jaemin rolled his eyes looking at Jeno.

Jeno lead them into his house. As they walked inside his mansion, they were greeted with Taeyong scolding them. "Why can't you two get along!" Taeyong scolded.

"When did you come back?, is mom and dad also back?" Jeno grimaced. If they did return along with Taeyong that only meant his once peace full days were ruined.

"No, their still taking care of some business in Thailand." Taeyong replied. "But why did you and Jaemin-ah fight?" He said looking over at Jaemin who's been quiet since they entered. 

"No reason." Jeno replied.

Jaemin walked over to were Haechan was seated not wanting to hear the brothers bickering. "Why did you leave me?" He pouted to Haechan. "I didn't leave you, Jeno kidnapped you before I could walk to you." Haechan replied. Of course he wanted to help his beloved friend, but if that meant angering Jeno he wouldn't. Jeno was scary and everyone could agree. His attitude always seemed to change with each moment.

All the boys spent a night at Jeno and Taeyong's house. They were scattered all around the house, some being in guest rooms and the others in the living room. Jaemin was passed out beside Chenle and Haechan his two best friends. Laying between them was stuffy, Haechan had his hand wrapped around his neck and Chenle was laying on his chest. He tried getting up but he couldn't, so he went to sleep.

Jeno stared into the night sky with a cigarette in hand. Taking a hit ever so often. He had started taking a liking toward smoking recently, it calmed him down. He didn't like his life, his parents only seemed to love Taeyong the older son. With him their attitude and affection would turn sour. He tried doing things to get their attention but it never worked, so he stopped. Lee Jeno was emotionless inside. His only Joy was tormenting others because the feeling of others trembling below him released a different type of epiphany inside him. He smiled at the thought of Jaemin punching him in the face. Jaemin was the only one to ever fight back.

He imagined how it would be if Jaemin was below him trembling with a busted lip, crying telling him to stop as he kept punching the boy. It was a sight he wanted to see. He blushed as he imagined Jaemin pleading for him to stop. "Jeno stop! please!!" "Jeno!!" "Jeno!!" "Jeno-ah!" He was harshly yanked back into reality at Taeyong calling his name. He looked at his brother wanting nothing but that face to disappear and never reappear again. "What" he said as he took a big puff of his cigarette putting it out in the ash tray beside him. "You should stop smoking that, it's not healthy for you" Taeyong said. "As if this family is healthy either" Jeno replied. Taeyong stared at his little brother. He didn't think his little brother would turn out like this. He always thought Jeno would be the apple of his parents eyes, considering he was sent away because Jeno didn't want him there. Yes, his parents sent away their first born because Jeno didn't like him. Taeyong's childhood was him growing up in a boarding school, he loved it. He met Johnny, Yuta, and Taeil there. He always waited for his parents to visit him. They never did.

"Why are you like this?" Taeyong mumbled to himself.

"What?" Jeno said.

"Nothing, anyway get some sleep. You have school tomorrow" he told his little brother walking away.

Jeno hummed at his brother response, drifting into his sleep, dreaming about nothing.

"Good morning!!!" Haechan announced. As he
Jumped on Jaemin and Chenle trying to wake them both up, to be met with a pillow in his face. "Uggh" he let out falling to the ground. "What was that for!?" He groaned out. "You were being annoying, Nana Hyung is still sleeping be quiet!" Chenle replied. Chenle adored Jaemin. He thought of Jaemin as his older brother though others could say otherwise, their relationship was like that of a lover relationship.

"AHAHAHAHA!" Mark laughed out.

"Omo Chenle don't hit your hyung!" Mark laughed out. He always loved when his friends would fight, it was a sight to see. He looked over at Haechan chuckling at the blushing boy. "You need help getting up?" He extended a hand to the pink head brunette. "N-no" Haechan blushed. Why did mark have to see that! That was so embarrassing he thought. "Its okay, here take my hand. It's starting to hurt" mark replied hoping Haechan would take it. He secretly enjoyed his little interactions with him. He would gladly prefer Haechan above him though he grinned at the thought.

"Everyone come eat!" The older hyung's announced.

Everyone started making their way to the dining room table, enjoying the sight of food in front of him. Of course Jaemin still sleeping snuggled into Chenle side. Chenle was hungry and he didn't want Jaemin to stop holding him. So he carried his hyung to the dining room table with Jaemin sitting on him. Jeno stared at them.
"Why don't you set Jaemin down so he could eat?" Jisung said. "No!" Chenle replied. Jisung didn't like how Chenle was always with Jaemin. Jaemin was also his favorite hyung but he never got the chance to get closer to him! Chenle was always hogging him!

To be continued....

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