Chapter Eight

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Yuhi's sneakers squished uncomfortably on top of the dry stone floor, but he didn't notice. He was soaked from the mild monsoon, but his mind was completely focused on the apartment door he approached. He checked his watched as he walked. It was almost 21:30, but he knew that he would be awake.

I have to do this, he told himself, though he swallowed thickly in consternation. If I don't, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

It didn't matter that just thinking was hurtful and nauseating. Yuhi knew that if something wasn't done, then everything would continue to unravel.

Still, Yuhi's hand shook as he pressed the doorbell. He took a step back from the door and began shivering.

The door abruptly swung open and Kyoya's alarmed face greeted him. "Yuhi?!"

Yuhi smiled painfully at his friend. "Good evening, Kyoya."

"W-What are you doing?!" Kyoya exclaimed. He looked Yuhi over. "You're completely soaked! Where's your umbrella?! Why aren't you even wearing a jacket?!"

"I-I..." Yuhi could feel the cold then, and it was causing his speech to slur. "I'm s-sorry..."

Kyoya shook his head. "Never mind, just come inside!" he grabbed Yuhi by the arm and pulled him into his apartment. "Hurry and get out of those wet clothes or you'll catch a cold!"

"K-Kyoya..." Yuhi felt the desperation in his heart as he yanked off his wet sneakers. It was a painful struggle to keep his voice steady. "I n-need to talk to you—"

"Here." Kyoya reached into a hall closet and pulled out a towel. "Dry your hair off right away before hopping in the shower."

"I want to talk," Yuhi repeated, even as Kyoya pushed the towel into his hands.

"Don't worry about your clothes," Kyoya continued as though he hadn't spoken. "I'll send them down to the dry—"

"Kyoya!" Yuhi finally burst out.

Kyoya stared at him. "What is it?"

Yuhi's hand continued to shake as he grabbed Kyoya by his sleeve. "I want to talk to you! I really, really need to talk to you!" He ducked his head. "I'm asking you, please...listen to me!"

Kyoya was silent for a long moment. Only the sound of Yuhi's ragged breathing filled the entryway.

Finally, Kyoya spoke. "All right. I'll listen to anything you have to say."

Yuhi let out a sharp breath in relief. "Tha—"

"But," Kyoya interrupted him. "You need to get warm first, Yuhi." He took Yuhi by the chin and forced the other man to look at him. "Go take a warm shower. I'll get some clothes for you to change into."

Yuhi didn't know what Kyoya saw in his eyes, but his voice dropped to soft, soothing tone. At that moment Yuhi almost burst into tears, but he managed to keep them at bay. "Thank you," he managed to get out.

Kyoya smiled very slightly and ruffled Yuhi's hair. "You're welcome."

Inside the bathroom, Yuhi stripped out of his soggy clothes. Each article of clothing, from his shirt to his socks, dripped water onto the floor. Yuhi began trembling violently in the warm bathroom as he threw the wet clothes in the laundry basket. He quickly scrubbed himself before turning the shower on to scorching hot. Under the heat of the shower spray, Yuhi's skin prickled sharply. But the pain on the surface of his skin hardly compared to the pain vibrating in his heart.

Can I do this? he pressed a hand over his pounding heart as he leaned his forehead against the tiled shower walls. How will Kyoya look at me if I do tell him? How can I even put this all into words?

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