House of blue

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FYI this is not a finished story, i will try to edit it as much as i can. But i have school and stuff. And this is my first story to share with the internet, and i am not the best writer or speller, k? So dont expect too much from me.

Please enjoy this story that i have been fantasizing over for forever

'Why is it so quiet..' I thought to myself while creeping down the road, pulling out my knife from my back pocket. High alert is a must when you notice something isnt right. Glass shattered, setting me on edge even more. Pivoting around trying to find where it came from, firmly grasping the handle, holding the blade out infront of me. My palms started to sweat, trembling the more I think of whats going to happen. A hoard of walkers burst out the window, staggering to get to me. Tripping over one another, growling and letting off the most horrid screams. I flead as fast as I could, my heart was pumping through my chest. I felt nauseous in my throat. My mouth began to dry craving a new problem, water. "..I cant stop, i cant stop, i cant stop.." I murmured letting out heavy breaths in between each word.
Cramps started forming in my ribs, shortly gasping in pain and grabbing my shirt in the area thats throbbing. Something snagged at my shoe, stopping it from moving forward.

Before i knew it i was on the ground with a hoard behind me, picking up their pace.
"Fuuuuuck." I groan, my face starting to catch up with the pain. Before picking up myself a gunshot flew over my head and hit one of the walkers, killing it. A man grabbing my shirt bringing me to my feet, making slurs under his breath. He shot one after another, he was stupidly loud. Drawing more attention to yourself is another life threatinging thing. Everyone knows what not to do, it was obvious.. do anything dumb and itll kill you or somebody else you loved. I ran, making sure to not trip over something and break my leg. "Follow me," The strange man held onto my sleeve and dragged me over into the woods. So much was going on too fast for me to even comprehend what was happening. My hands burned from the collision, it feels like I'm holding onto hot coals.
I was barly able to keep up with the man, branches and leaves swatted at my face, and bushes of thorns tugged at my ripped jeans. I've ran plenty enough today, i was well exhausted. The noises behind fell quiet as we flead.

We stopped running when we got to a half torn down house; one of the walls was gone, and the cieling was caved in but it didnt fall. Gave me anxiety just looking at it.
He finally let go of my sleeve and sat down on an old wooden chair, he looked indignant, staring at the floor quietly. I didn't know what to say, to start up a conversation, or to just say 'thanks'. I kept my mouth shut, i dont want to say something to make this man more cross than he already is.

The old pictures and shattered glass stalled me from looking at him. A family of four, Twins and a father & mother. They looked really happy together, my father was never at the house usually and my mom stayed at home trying to please him when he did come back. He never yelled at me, only my mom. I hated him for that, the thought of my father never being there for her infuriates me. I never did make any of it better, just cried when he would get angry, me and my younger brother.

"So," he finally spoke, "No 'thank you', or anything..?" His graspy voice fell out, thic and grim. The feeling it gave me was uneasy and terrible, his grey raggity hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. Wrinkles furrowing down to the two thick catipilars sitting on his face. "Uh, yea, thanks for that.."Even though im pretty sure i could've handled it better.
"Is this where you stay or do you move around places..?" He gets up from his 'seat' and looks out the window, "no, i live..near here.."

"Are you hungry," He said, "looks like you haven't eaten in days."

"I haven't." A small noise is heard after i said that, just talking about it is making my stomach growl. It never occurred to me that i havent had the thought of food in a whole week.

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