Thanksgiving Part 2

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Me and Jax are now at the castle. we are siting on his bed. I look at Jax.

"Have you written any songs lately?" He smiles.

"Let me guess you want me to sing you a song?"

"Maybe," I say smiling. he walks over to his wall and takes he base guitar off it's stand.

"Well your in luck, I have written a song it is called Brown Eyes, Brown Hair." 

"sing it to me," I say leaning on his head bored. he takes a deep breath and begins to sing.

*Play song hear*

I look at him as in a trance his violet eyes filled with happiness, anger, joy, saddens, and one other thing i cant identify. When the song ends he looks at me,

"So do you like it?" he ask. I blink as if awakening from my trance,

"Y.. Ya I... I like it," he raises an eyebrow at me,

"Really because it doesn't seem like you do" he says.

" I like it," I stutterer," Its just..." I trail off.

"It's just what," He presses. I look down staring at my blue socks.

"W..who was t...that song about?" I ask quietly not looking up. Jaxs falls silent,

"Thief" he says silently, "Look at me" when I don't look up he genitally puts his hand under my chin and brings my head up to meet his eyes. He doesn't say anything at first he just pulls his hand away and stairs into my eyes, I do the same his striking violet eyes. Finally he says quietly "You" I stair at him not knowing what say. Just then the door fly's open 

"surprises" Maxine yells as she and the crew plus jack enter the room. 

"W...What are you guys doing hear?" I stutterer. A.G shrugs

"We thought it would be fun to surprises you guys." Kayla looks back and forth between me and Jax's,

"Are you to ok did something happen?" she ask.

"No" Jaxs says,"Why would you think that?" 

"Well because you to never look unconformable around each other" Ollie responds,

"N...No were fine," I say quietly. Joclyen looks at me with a hint of concern,

"Are you stuttering Cobbler?" she ask,

"Jocelyn," Maxine scolds. Jocelyn rolls her eyes in response.

"Ah Gilly can i speak to you outside alone," Jack ask,

"Y...ya sure," I say. Jax's gives me a look that says why but i ignore it. outside of Jaxs room Jack looks at me "Gilly," he says trying to take my hand but i pull away, He continues. "You know how there is a Halloween dance?" he ask, I nod. Well I was thinking we could go together he says slowly backing me up to a wall and running his hand over my cheek. I start to get unconformable,

"Umm no thank you I say," Trying to pull away but he grabs my waste to stop me from moving. He slowly starts to get closer. Finally I let out an ear piercing scream, My friends come running out of Jax's room. Jax grabs Jack and starts to beat him up. Well they are fighting I collapse on the ground in tears A.g, Maxine, and Kayla try to comfort me but it doesn't work. Ollie and Jocelyn have run off to get Raz. In all the commotion I don't know what is happening All i know is that at some point Raz came and kicked Jack out and also tried to comfort me with no luck. Finally Raz kicked every one out and left me and Jax's alone. As soon as they were Gone Jax sat next to me not hugging me witch i figured was smart considering what i just went through but instead he started sing to me.

I finally start to calm down. After a while my vision starts to clear. I look at Jaxs and see concern in his violet eyes.

"Are you okay?" he ask quietly. I nod not able to speak yet. he stands up and offers me his hand, then thinks better of it "sorry" he says quietly. I shake my head.

"N..No's f..fine" he nods do,

"you want to see the others or go to my room for some time?" I look at him and quietly say,

"Your room" he nods and opens the door to his room I sit on his bed and Wilson runs  over "Hey boy" I say weekly. Jax's sits next's to me,

"do you want to talk?" he ask. I don't look up to meat his eyes but he seems to get the message. *Not now but latter when the others are gone* we sit there in comfortable silence in till Raz comes in.

"The others are gone to ftrs to help prep for tomorrow night. Dinner is ready but you don't have to eat," She says. I look at Jax's he understands,

"Thanks Raz but were gonna skip this one," He says, she nods,

"night," she says and leaves us alone.

I did it finally writers block sorry i am gonna try to post more though.

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