Thanksgiving Part 3

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As soon as Raz leaves the room Jax's turns to me.

"Thief," He says."I know this is hard but what just happened seems like a stretch even for Jack." I look at him, 

"Y...You noticed?" he nods.

"And the fact i am saying that means something is off" I look down and start playing with my hands, 

"W.....we need to tell the crew" i say quietly. Jaxs nods,

"we have to tell them right aw...." he is cut off bye a deep angry voice.

"Jaxon Porter you promised every one is waiting on you ," All of the sudden the door burst open and a average size, lean man comes in looking less that pleased. Jax visibly tenses at the sight of his father, just then Raz comes running in.

"Look, father these two have had a long day why don't we let them rest."

"On a day like this," There father booms. "He promised he would be here for Thanksgiving." all of the sudden Jaxs does something unexpected,

"Well maybe I did't want to be withe you for Thanksgiving. Maybe i wanted to be with my friends. Maybe i am sick and tired of you telling me to come to the castle and than sitting in 3 hour long meetings. Maybe i never wanted to be royal. come on thief."  He says.

"Were are you going," Jax's father yells. Jaxs goes to his window opens int and whistles. Blue or magic carpet comes. Jaxs and me mount him.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Jaxs says before we fly away. i can hear Jaxs father screaming his name for a long time. Me and Jax sit there for along time before i finally speak up,

"I...I am sorry he treated you like that," I manege out. With out looking at me he says,

"don't be I have gotten use to it."

"That is no excuse for the way he treats you." i respond. Jax looks at me and then straight ahead saying nothing. we fly like that all the way there. We finally make it to ftrs and run inside the building. There we see Maxine pasing in the lobby inpationtly. Her face lights up when she sees us,

"Good you are hear Jack."

"We know something is wrong with him" Jaxs says interrupting her. 

"W.....Were are the others?" I ask. 

"There in Harlow and Jocelyns quarters." Maxine responded. we all rush over there we burst in the room and all of the sudden Jack gasp for air like he has been lifted from a trance.

"Is he okay?" A.G ask wordily.

"Looks like it to me" Ollie says.

"But are we really gonna trust you?" Kayla adds.

"What is happening? Were am I? Why are you all here? Jack ask confused.

"Yup he is fine" Harlow says.

"Of course i am fine now can some one explain what is going on here?" he ask confused.

"Do you remember anything?" Jocelyn ask. Jack shakes his head,

"No why," he looks at me," Gilly are you okay you look like you have seen a ghost?" He says.

"Y...ya I am fine." i respond.

"Ok now bed time for all of you" Harlow says. we all walk out except for Jocelyn. A.G goes back to her castle and Kayla goes back to her fairy hut. The rest of us go back to our dorms. On the way we deiced that we would go to Ollie and Jaxs room and explain what happened. Not all of it though because i presume that my friends are still scared i will have another panic attack.

Hi I am back bad ending i know i was gonna continue but i thought you guys could have a littel taste of what is going on ya know.

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