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Chloe's POV:
"Yes, keep," Alois starts. "I am going I keep you Diana, however Chloe is going to be sent over to the Phantomhive household.
Well I feel offended.
Such a bitch he is.
"Claude, get the blonde away from here as soon at you can!" Alois demands.
Well... He REALLY doesn't like me. At least I get to meet Ciel soon. A rush of excitement rushes through my body.
I figured while Claude prepared the carriage I can say goodbye to Diana.

I grab Diana's wrist and take her outside the room.
"Are you crazy!??" Diana scolds.
"No I'm not! I'm going to meet Ciel and all the other character of black butler. It's what my wish to Claude was!" I explain.
"Ohh. Okay." Diana says.
I hear Claude coming up the mansion steps making his way to the hall.
"Don't worry, I promise I will be back. I won't leave without you." I say comforting. I can tell she is worried. Diana isn't the kind of person to actually 'say' when she s nervous. I just manage to figure it out through her expressions.
Before Claude gets a few meters away I quickly scuttle and ask...
"What was your wish???"
"That is for me as Claude to know." Diana says.
Damn she is really loyal to this whole contract thing.
But why can't I know about it???
Before I have any time to think Claude is practically dragging me by the hair to the carriage!
"Watch it!!" I scold, anger flaring through my eyes.
I wave goodbye to Diana. Ill see her In a few days.
After an hour of travelling in the awkward silence of this uneven carriage, we arrive.
Claude grabs my hand and leads me out the carriage. He leans in and softly says,
"Your a clever girl, you've got my plan in a matter of 5 minutes... Im quite exited to devour your soul. I smell the dark nearly black blood..." He Sighs wiping the hair out of his face, "until then, enjoy your time."

Come to think of it, it's kinda weird how I care more about anime rather than my own life.

Claude knocks gentle but firm. I watch the door aware of it Openning to something Im willing to die for.
Ciel's face in real life.
Finally it opens to reveal his face. He looks up, a lock of hair falling to his face. His blue eye stares me down the soul.

"Sebastian." Ciel orders.
I mentally have breathing problems. This is just so awesome!!!! I ignore all my other thoughts to focus on what's coming.
So beautiful. His raven black hair parted just so. His pale skin gloomy in the evening light. His red-pink sharp eyes focused on me.
"What do we have here now? A princess from an unknown land..." Sebastian coos.

"Um. Well not exactly.. A princess. Im a traveller," -time traveller that is.
"Take this feminine, I will be retrieving her in a month." Claude explains.

A month... A month of living with Ciel and Sebastian, not seeing Diana...

I can manage.
"Come with me princess traveller." Ciel reaches out his hand. I can't help but giggle, I can't tell if that was a joke or if he thinks Im the princess of travelling.
He smiles.

He holds my hand leading me into the mansion. The stone floors are magnificent. Only the finest printed stone chiseled into the right shape and fit to match the tone of the carpets. Carpets indigo blue, bedazzled in silver buttons around it. My mouth is agape, I have never seen such beauty.

"Stunned, are you?" Ciel looks over at my face.

"Uhm." I say trying to take it all in.

"I would think a traveller would have seen beautiful things, and not be as stunned as you are now." Ciel says suddenly frowning.

I pause being stunned when I get this cold feeling...
"I... Just," I think of lies....
"Don't tend to travel to rich places." I lie. That's pretty believable.

He raises an eyebrow, but before responding places it back down.
Once again looking sad and lonely.
"Dinner is in the kitchen, Sebastian prepared it specialty for our guest."

We walk to the kitchen together hand in hand.
Dinner looks Devine. A platter of [Fancy food] , bowls of [Fancy food... In a bowl], trays, and servings of [Fancyyy foodsss] such class.
The silver utensils aligned with shiny edges and delicate designs.

~*After Diner*~

"That was fantabulas!!!" I say.
"Hm?" Ciel looks at me.
Shit. I got to exited. I can't let them know Im not from their generation...
What kind of words do these oldies use?

"Ahem, delicious." I say not breaking a sweat.

"It's time to show you your room... Chloe."

To be Contined....

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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