-=Demon Summoning=-

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Chloe's POV:

We are outside the classroom, walking down a row of tinted blue lockers.

"How is this going to work?" I finally say to break the silence.

"What do you mean Chloe?" Diana asks clueless.

"What if Claude is already a butler of someone" I say.

"Sweetie, there is no one nerdier than us who would actually take the time to research on demon summoning."

Diana says with a point.
I mean, I've already agreed to try. If I back out, it will look like I'm scared. Either way I'm doing this.
We arrive at a door that leads outside the school. Diana puts her fingers over her lips symboling me to shush. She opens the door in attempt to not be noticed. When there is enough room for our figures to get through we make a run for it. We run through the field into the nearby forest at the school. We are both panting from the speed that we had just been running.

"Wow." Is all I can say catching breaths.

"You know what... Lets make this... A double dare." I say smirking. I feel like that was the right thing to say.

"Sure." She says.
"Oh haul turron, oh haul Turell."
"Oh haul Turron, oh haul Turrell"
"Oh Haul Turron, oh haul Turrell"
We chant three times running wistfully through the forest.
My heart is pounding. I stop right in front of a spider web and whisper "Claude" to the spider.
Darkness fills my eye sight.
"What is your wish?" A deep voice says.
I have no emotion right now.
"My wish?"
"You summoned me. Tell me your wish."
I completely forgot about making a wish!
"I wish to... Meet at the characters of kuroshitsiju." I say without entirely thinking. I eat for his signature of approval.
"Very we'll then"
A sudden flash and then I look down at my hand to see a mark EXACTLY LIKE ALOIS SPAWN!
Diana's POV:
I wake up in a white lace bed with luxurious gold trim. My vision hasn't fully focussed on the shimmering room. It was outstanding. I looked up to see a pale figure hovering over me.
"Why hello little princess~" a Girly voice coed.
"What is a precious little feminine like you doing here... With me?" The boy said. I assume he is about my age.
"I-I-I....ALOIS!!!" I realized in a split second. His eyes grew weary. His lips were so soft and pink. So plump and delicate. Even before I COULD make a move he had kissed me.
My last thought before our lips pressed together was....

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