Things We Do For Love

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"Mmmm, that was delicious." The Grinch said, smiling and licking his lips. "Thanks for inviting me over for lunch, Martha."

It was a nice, sunny day in spring and Martha May had invited the Grinch over to her house for a casual lunch. They had just finished eating.

"No problem. It's the least a girlfriend can do." Martha said, smiling and standing up from her chair; she walked over to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek.

"Here, I'll get the dishes." The Grinch stood up and took the dishes from the table.

"You don't have to do that." Martha started picking up the glasses and silverware.

"Come on, M. It's the least a boyfriend/house guest can do." He smirked at her and she giggled.

After cleaning up and talking for a bit, Grinch stood near Martha's door with Max at his feet.

"This was great. Still on for dinner tomorrow night?" He said with a chuckle, fiddling with something in his hand behind his back.

"Absolutely." Martha replied before she and Grinch heard a knock at the door.

Feeling curious, Martha opened the door to see a man with dark skin and slick black hair, wearing a plain button-up shirt and black slacks, and holding a bouquet of daisies standing on her doorstep; Martha and Grinch's eyes widened in surprise.

"Hello, Martha May." He said in a suave voice.

"Dallas?" Martha asked.

"You know this guy?" Grinch asked.

"Yeah, we used to work together back in Who York." She answered before turning to Dallas with a nervous smile. "It's, uh... good to see you again, Dallas and I don't mean to sound rude, but... what are you doing here?"

"Well I was pretty shocked to learn that you were fired from Who Runway back in January. In fact, I was devastated and I wanted to see you again. It took me a while, but I finally found you." Dallas answered, handing her the bouquet.

"Uh, thanks." Martha said, trying not to sound uneasy.

"You're most welcome." Dallas said before taking a look at the Grinch and his eyes widened. "Um, Martha? Aren't you going to introduce me to your... friend?"

"Oh yeah. Dallas, this is the Grinch, my boyfriend."

"Hi." The Grinch politely offered his hand to Dallas, which he rudely pushed away.

"Boyfriend? Him?!" He scoffed. "Really, Martha? You're dating... this guy?"

"What do you mean?" Martha raised an eyebrow.

"What do I mean? I mean look at him! You can do so much better than that. No offense, he's practically a walking, talking stuffed toy factory reject with a face that looked like something the cat dragged in, ate, and spit up. Simply grisly."

"Uh... how exactly is that not offensive?" Grinch asked, trying to remain calm.

Dallas continued, ignoring the Grinch's question. "Green? Really? Such an awful, AWFUL color. And so bright, too. Eugh. And how about his shape? Look at that gut. I mean I've heard of barrel-chested, but never PEAR-chested!"

He laughed, completely oblivious to the Grinch and Martha's sudden change of mood. The Grinch's face fell as he heard Dallas's harsh words; they stung, real bad. He nervously glanced away from his girlfriend, unable to process what was happening. Martha furrowed her brow and shoved the bouquet into Dallas.

"Dallas, I think you'd better leave." She said sternly.

"Leave? But I just got here." Dallas replied, sounding surprised.

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