Chapter 1: The chase.

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Dipsy's point of view:

I was sitting in one of the chairs they have in this facility, I was bored, that is until I heard a small muffled scream, I turn to see a blue stubby, they started running as fast as I could, the chase began, I run after them as I turn on my chainsaw. They run through a door and close the door and block it, I just laugh because I know that's not going to stop me, no door can do that, but I'll give him false hope, then it will be even more fun. Hahahahaha~

Ron's point of view:

I'll lock the monster in a room, for how long? I don't know. I'm really scared, I don't know what to do, my body hurts, a lot of pain. I sit on a chair, it hurts so much to move. I start crying, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. I look around the room and I recognize it, everyone yelled at me in this room, I know I'm not perfect but that's not what they think, everyone yells at me all the time, there's no one to help me or defend me. me, no one tries to help me make me feel better afterwards. I start crying even harder, all I want is for someone or something to care about me, that's all I want.

-10 minutes later.

A white tubby walked by a few moments ago, he had a hat on, it looked so soft and comfortable, I wish I had something like that. Then I heard the worst sound imaginable at that moment...the sound of a door being broken and running coming in my way. I couldn't move because of the pain, I couldn't stop them, I was sure to die, but it's not like anyone cared.

They found me and that's all I remember, before I passed out.

Dispy's point of view:

Awww man. They Didn't fight back, or even try to run away, that's not fun, oh man. I just sigh, well, I guess that makes my job easier. I start my chainsaw and graze his shin letting a little blood out, I was going to continue but..something..stopped me...I don't know what it was, or why I got it, but something told me not to, maybe it was a lack of satisfaction from the fact that he literally didn't put up a fight or try to run away, maybe it was sympathy, maybe it was guilt, but there was something, something telling me not to kill him, and I don't know why. I stop my chainsaw and that's when I see a white tubbie, wearing my hat! Why and how does he have that!!! That's mine!!!! I brake the door and start chasing him while turning on my chainsaw, the chase begins once again. hahahahaha! ~

-Hahaha! I'm having a lot of fun with this book, and I hope you enjoyed it.

-Word count: 496

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