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As soon as the car pulled up to the restaurant, I began hyperventilating. it has been so long since I last went out of the house. I'm nervous, yes and also a little scared. I don't want anything ruining today. Damon deserves this. deserve this. This night is for us. So whoever this psycho is, that's after my family, needs to give it a rest ,'cause I ain't gonna let anyone ruin tonight. Not even my anxiety.

Damon gets out of the Audi and opens the door for me and holds out his hand to help me, just like the perfect gentleman he is. I thank him as I get out. He leads us into the restaurant and an attendee takes our overcoats. Another attendee approaches us and Damon tells her about our reservation. He shows us to our table. Damon holds out the chair for me. As soon as we are seated, a waitress approaches us.

"Hi, I'm Camilla and I will be your waitress for today." She says, all the time looking at Damon. Oh. No. Another aficionado. It is what got us into all this mess in the first place.

"I would much appreciate if you would get us both a glass of water and leave the menu, as well as a new waiter". I reply, looking at her with narrow eyes. She gulps and hurries away after placing our menus on the table.

Damon whistles. This is amusing me and that just pisses me off even more. I huff and look down at the menu, but can't read it. Off course. It's written in Italian. Every posh restaurant we go to has Italian menus. I pout and look at him to find him smirking.

I hate this. "Well? Are you going to tell me what is written or should I Google it?" His smirk widens even more. The smug asshole. I pout even more. "Sure thing love", he says.

"Just order for me too. I trust your choices". He just smiles. A waiter appears next to our table. This time, an elderly male.

"Good evening, I'll be your host for the rest of the evening." He smiles at us and asks if we are ready to order. Damon orders for the both of us. After he has left, I look towards my husband and find him looking at me amusedly.

"What?" I ask. "Nothing love. I'm just amused at how possessive you were today. I like it when you take matters in your own hands. It's sexy as hell." I look down, blushing at his words. An year in our marriage and he can still make me blush like a teenager whose crush has just talked to her for the first time.

"Aw! Did I make you blush? That's just soo cute. I love seeing you blush." This moronic wolf. Ugh. I'm going to kill him. 

 Our food arrives and we start to eat. Damon asks me how my book was coming along this time. I tell him how I can't focus on the plot. "It's alright love. You'll do it. Don't loose hope." He says. He is so sweet and supporting. He always has been. "I just don't know what to write anymore. I foret what I had in mind as soon as I begin to write." Silent falls over us. A good silence.

"Why don't you write our story. That way you wouldn't forget the plot. And it would be a descent enough story." He suggests. It sounded absurd at first. But the more I thought about it, the better it looked. I decided to give it a try. And that's how I started this book.

After paying for our food, we left. Instead of going home, he took me to the park near my old apartment. That's where we first met. I remember that day vividly. I was babysitting my best friend's son. We were playing hide and go seek. It was my turn to count. After finishing counting, I started to look for him. I couldn't find him. I was so worried, asking everyone if they have seen Ethan. Then I saw him, with Mr. broody here, eating ice cream. I was furious. I have told Ethan, not to take any eatables from an unknown person. Even though he looks like a decent man, I couldn't risk loosing him.

I stalked over to them and scowled at Ethan. "How many times have I told you not to take sweets from strangers?" I ask him while pulling him off the bench they were sitting on.

"Woah, Calm down. I'm not just any stranger." The mystery man said. "I don't care who you are. You're a stranger to me and I don't want Ethan anywhere near you". I replied, staring him down. Ethan began tugging at my jeans. I looked down at him.

"He is not a stranger auntie. He is my ice cream uncle." He says cutely. Oh sweet circe. He is the Damon White. I look up towards him and smile sheepishly, internally cringing at what I've said. He just smiles at me.

"It's good to see that you take good care of my nephew." He says and leaves. Just like that, he leaves.

"Let's take a stroll love." Damon says, bringing me out of the memory. 

We began walking through the park when Damon broached the subject of what happened today. "I'm sorry love, I thought Amanda could help you with the cleaning. I didn't know she'll enter the kitchen. And I swear, I didn't know about the cat. If I did, o would've warned her not to bring her along. I know it was your favorite showpiece." He said apologetically.

"I know love, it's just that, I was so angry. It was like I couldn't control what to think or say. I feel like I need to see John again. It's been a while since my last session." I say. "I can see that love. You've been daydreaming a lot lately. At first I thought it was due to the book you were writing but now...." He trails off, leaving us in a comfortable silence. We both know what he meant. 

As we continue our stroll, I try not to think about it much. But as always, I do. I get all sorts of thoughts and what ifs going through my head and by the time he noticed, I had already worked myself into a tizzy.

"Hey, hey, calm down love. Its okay. Everything is going to be okay." He says, trying to get me to calm down but all I could think about was how I'm going mad.

Damon hugs me and holds me close, while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Soon enough I'm composed and we make our way towards the car. We pass a couple on our way, the woman was heavily pregnant. It made me pause and think about what we've lost. That instantly brings tears to my eyes. Damon notices that and starts walking faster, tightening his grip on my waist.

As soon as we reach the car, he helps me climb in and walks over to the driver side in long strides. "I'm sorry, I ruined our date with my sour mood." I say after we have left the parking lot.

"Don't apologize love, what happened isn't your fault. Besides, I enjoyed your possessiveness way too much for anything to put a damper on my mood." He said cheesily, grinning. I looked down, blushing once again and just like that, the tension in the air cleared, leaving a light happiness behind. 

Back at our place, I found a car waiting in front of our main door, a very familiar mustang gt. As soon as we got out of the car, my best friend leaped out of hers and into my arms, crying.

There was no sign of Ethan. I looked towards Damon worriedly while trying to calm her down. i led her in and seated her on the living room couch while asking Damon to go check the car for Ethan.

Meanwhile, I try to get her to talk. "They..he..He took him Apri. He took Ethan." She said. I tried to ask her who she was talking about but to no avail. I just got her to stop crying when Damon entered.

"There's no one in the car." He said looking at Alice, who was now quietly gazing off into the fire place. I told Damon about Ethan. He immediately left to look for him. Damon owns one of the best defense agencies in Italy. I took her up stairs, to a guest bedroom to get some rest.

She held onto me and asked me to sleep besides her. I changed into my pajamas and hugged her, offering what comfort I could. Soon we both drifted into a restless sleep.

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