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LegionCypher85 moonruby12 Br4ttYCl0wN Kota_Bear_YT

Welcome Doctor,Accessible Mission files; this started when the foundation discovered [Redacted] the foundation figured out that he was a vessel for [Redacted] and in further experiments this made him not able to recognize the [Redacted], In return they were not able to be [Redacted] or [Redacted], the ethics committee later found out and sent Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand".

??? POV

*the alarms in the barracks went off signaling a containment breach in SITE-01* shit *I muttered as I grabbed my specialized helmet and experimental weapons after I hopped from the bunk all the other Resh-1's already roused from their slumber weapons ready and charged, I nodded, they did in response. The broadcast was saying "All Resh one operatives proceed to the nearest Eidolon for deployment, effective immediately!"* well that's our call, literally, no time for jokes, Move it. *they all replied in unison each one all has the same identical uniform*

 *they all replied in unison each one all has the same identical uniform*

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(A/N;not mine credits to the owner of this amazing sketch)

No one's POV

The operatives were seen leaving the barracks and running to the closest pad as there was an Eidolon activating it's start up sequence ready to be deployed they threw the door open and two Resh-1 operatives got in the pilot and copilot's seat as everyone in strapped in doing an equipment check...they were trained for this...the best from all over the globe...they've never faced this big of a threat but well the rest...that's classified...due to the sensitive of them as you can guess...As they approached the target site they slid the door wide open and scanned the area jumping out a few moments before the Eidolon they approached the site entrance gunshots were heard in the facility *switching back to ??? POV*

??? POV

*I just looked at the operative of Law's Left Hand guarding the gates not even flinching or surprised as I was trained to not be and shot them activating the scanner as the keycard registered and the heavy gates opened inside I see more Omega-1 operatives "Law's Left Hand" of the ethics committee Alpha-1 operatives "Red Right Hand" of the O5 council both men and women opening fire at one another we didn't flinch and engaged spreading out and aiming at the "friendly" operatives taking them down as their heads had holes through them, they dropped but we didn't have time to check if their dead as the others opened fire at us and one another one of my operatives Scepter 3-2 was hit in the helmet falling down as his visor had visible crack lines "damn it Scepter 3-2" I quickly grabbed him dragging him into cover as he was down but not out he grunted as he was behind cover and got up taking the damaged helmet off pulling putting on a rebreather and earmuffs instead as he returned fire with the rifle still in his hands and nodded signifying that I throw a gas grenade I nodded back tossing one as it landed near an Omega-1's operative feet emitting gas the gunfire suddenly died down as the other A-1 operatives were equipped with gas masks and stopped firing as they move to our location we aimed at the downed Omega one operatives rendering them "incapacitated" as they had holes in their heads as one came around the corner I drew my pistol wrenched the rifle whacked the other in the gas mask and shot through visor and my squad shooting the rest in the head taking off their gas mask and looked at them realizing they were all alive but downed in pain, we didn't look twice as me and my squad made my way through the site towards the cause of all this like we were briefed it was an entity..."Cypher?!"[REDACTED, DATA HAS BEEN NEUTRALIZED] as two of my operatives brought in a man an As-[PROTOCOL ERADICATE INITIATED, INFORMATION EXPUNGED] we were standing at the door as the man talked to the entity and everyone in the site that formerly was alive with bullet holes through their heads as they should have with those wounds...we secured the [REDACTED] and returned to [UNDISCLOSED LOCATION]-

Typical day of a Resh-1(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now