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Moonlight glimmered off of glass; my tired reflection stared back from the window of what seemed to be an abandoned office building. A young woman with dark hair tumbled around her shoulders. Her eyes wide and brown. Her hands were clenched into fists, her face pale as the sheen of death itself.
The bird fluttered above her head, a colourful shock in the night.

I had finally stopped running after what seemed like an eternity. But panic was clawing at my insides. A man with no eyes, a demon-

No. I had to stop. Because it would drive me to madness. And something told me he would find me again if I just stood here.

"What city is this?" I asked the bird, my voice shattering the solid silence. Because I was in an unfamiliar street in an abandoned city. The buildings stretched up into the sky and the streets were littered with rubbish and debris, much like the hospital. Cold light outlined everything, emitted by dark grey streetlamps.

I peered through a window and spied office chairs tipped over. No one was there.
And then...

A noise in the distance made me tense. The sound of something knocked over. The bird darted behind me.

Was it him? Was it?!

I took a step backwards, my foot crunching a plastic bottle. It was coming from an alleyway to the left. I couldn't breathe. I should be running but I was frozen again.

As I tried to melt my body into moving, a shadow darted from the alley and scarpered up the street only to trip over a bin and fall.

I gasped.

The shadow was wearing a dark red cape and a hood. When the figure looked up I saw a sharp face and...a pair of angry blue eyes. They glittered as if blades hid inside them.

I'm not the only one.

I took a step forwards and the figure got up. As I opened my mouth she grinned and bolted.

"Hey!" I shouted and took off after her. "Come back! I'm not going to hurt you!"

I followed her past the depressing array of fallen benches and bins, through alleys and around twisting turns. The bird was soaring above me. I supposed I was his guardian, in a sense.

She moved like the wind, her dark shoes almost flying over the ground. Her cape fanned out behind her and even with my hand outstretched I couldn't catch her.

But the light was getting brighter.

Curls of orange flame bounced off the glass of countless windows. I hesitated and then kept following, other shadows darting behind me.

She was slowing, I was gaining and yet...what the hell was going on. The bird was flapping above me, shadows surrounded me...

And I had just ran into a square filled with flames. A bonfire burned in the centre of the city. She stopped and turned. Fire shone from the blades in her eyes.

I blinked, staring. I glanced behind me and saw others...other people...standing grinning.

"Welcome to the fourteenth game, stranger." She said, her mouth pulling into a ghoulish smile. Another one laughed to my left.


"You're playing the next game. Better hope it's not your last."

She pulled her hood down and dirty blonde hair barely brushed her shoulders. Without another word she sauntered away towards another group wearing capes.

A tap on the shoulder made me jump.

"Never mind Gabriel, she's always like that."

A man with a friendly smile and warm brown eyes was behind me.

"I'm Sorrow. What do I call you?"

Sorrow? What sort of name was that? I frowned.

"I don't have one."

His smile vanished like light in a dying man's eyes.

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