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"What?" I asked him.
The Other watched me, his eyes hard to see under his mask.
He stood there for a moment and a cold shiver burned through me.
He still said nothing and turned away, his footsteps barely making any sound.

I let out a breath, my eyes drifting to the bird. He perched on a wall, waiting for me.
Everyone was already gone and I stood alone. The stillness was eerie after the terrifying ordeal. My leg ached and I bent down to assess the damage.
"Not too bad." I muttered, a faint stain of blood on my fingers. Just a scratch. But I could still feel the searing slice of the rope, could still hear those singing voices...

"Let's get out of here," I said and began to pick my way through the streets filled with rubbish. Who knew when the next game would be? I had to find somewhere to shelter. Somehwere that wasn't...the hospital. The frightening image of the man with holes for eyes filled my mind. I hoped he wouldn't find me.

A shop door hung open, barely attached. It read "Home hardware." It would do.
I crept in and the bird followed. My ears were straining for any sound, any hint of danger.
But the shop was littered with tools, gleaming silver under the flickering lamp which had been left alight. The bulb glowed orange like the sun when it falls down into the hills. It flickered and I found my way through to a back office. There was a leather chair and a first aid kit sitting on a desk.

"How convenient," I said and the bird let out a caw. He seemed to agree. The chair was cold and I wondered who had once sat here. What this place had once been.
I winced as I cleaned my wound, the wipes from the first aid kit cleaning out whatever infection could set in. I stuck a sticky brown plaster on top of it and closed the box. That would do. The silence clung to me again and a lone tear dripped down my face.

What sort of hell was I in? I didn't even know who I was. The idea of the next game made me shiver. Would it be something even worse? Sorrow's fake smile appeared in my head. It seemed as if it would be. I could trust no one. I had trusted Bunny and she'd tried to kill me.

I put my head on the desk and closed my eyes. This was only a reprieve. The game would start again and again...

I was dreaming. I was sure of that because I could see a man in front of me. He had brown hair and a handsome smile. He was suited and booted, as if straight from the confines of an office.

"Aren't you going to sit down? I already ordered you the pancakes," he said and his voice sent shivers through me. The good kind, as if I could listen to him speak forever.

I laughed, my lips stretching into a smile. I wasn't in control of my body. I was just...observing. Someone else was laughing and I was just here for the ride.

"You know me too well," I replied, sitting down. People walked past the window, busy on their way somewhere. Snow drifted down lightly and children laughed. I was looking at the main street of a town laden with shops and life. So unlike the barren city.

"I feel as if I've known you forever even though this is only our fourth date," he said and my attention returned to him.

"I feel the same. Let me guess what you ordered," I said. I pursed my lips and he grinned. Wow, but he was beautiful. "A black coffee because you're a psycho. And something sweet because you're obsessed with chocolate."
He gave me a thumbs up.

"I don't think any woman I've dated has called me a psycho to my face but it's weirdly charming." His hand brushed my own and I blushed. It was strange to feel happy and embarrassed all at once. Especially when it wasn't really me.

"Sorry," I muttered, barely able to say more. He shook his head.

"Don't be silly, I like it," he replied, his eyes looking into mine. I felt seen, for the first time. As if he knew everything and thought it was wonderful. I didn't want to look away.

Even as I went to reply, the dream changed.

I was staring down at a red book, a pen nestled in my hand. I was in a bedroom, at a wooden desk. The light was oddly dim and from the corner of my eye I swore I saw a shadow.
I opened the book and began to write:

Today was amazing! I went on another date with him and it turned out so well...

Even as I wrote the last word the light flickered. Something fell to the ground. I tensed, the pen tumbling from my hands.

"Hello?" I asked, whirling around. A book had fallen from the shelf onto the floor. Prickles of unease tricked down my spine. "Is that- is it you?"

What? Who was I talking to? There was no one there. I picked up the book and shook my head.

"I'm being silly," I murmured. "There's no one there."

Then I turned back to the red book...

...I gasped and woke up. The bird was on my shoulder, his beak nibbling at my neck.

"I'm awake," I gasped, blinking against the onslaught of images. Who was I in that dream? The smiling man's face was burned into my thoughts. I wanted to talk to him again...

I leaned back in the chair and went still as something broke the near silence.
A rustling sound. Coming from the front of the shop. Something was moving...coming closer...

I grabbed a tool lying on the edge of the desk and forced myself to my feet. The rustling continued, getting closer. I was quiet as I moved behind the door.
One, two, three..

I kicked the door open and let out a shout.

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