XXX: New Beginnings

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The new facility was nothing too big, but it made the hero feel at ease. The atmosphere was welcoming and neat, the light colors of the walls and ceilings with strokes of blue paint emitting a rather peaceful aura.

Or maybe that was just him, finally feeling a sort of fulfillment for being able to give something to the kids, and had nothing to do with the actual facility itself.

They made sure to move the kids here with outmost secrecy, not even the hospital staff knew their destination on the release date. Yet it couldn't provide the distressed hero any relief, seeing how he was tense and hyper aware throughout the whole period. He was only able to breathe out a sigh of relief upon closing the last of doors in the facility, securing the locks and security cameras.

They had a total of nine rooms aligned after each other in a long hallway. One with colorful wallpaper and toys for little Eri, one with medical equipment and ventilators for Izuku, one common room functioning as a living room of sorts. Dr. Matsuda got a study room functioning as his office, while the other two rooms were for the two nurses the doctor brought along, beside a small kitchen and a guest room for either Aizawa or Mirio if they happened to stay overnight.

Much to their dismay, the facility had no windows for security reasons, which together with the unusual sectioning of the rooms made it feel less like a home and more like a prison for the kids.

Eri found it hard to get separated from her newfound friend, especially that he was still recovering, and that they didn't get to fulfill their promise yet.

Mirio made sure to convince her that she could still visit the hospital with his or someone else's guidance, and persuaded her that it's what is best for her brother. With that, she didn't utter a single additional objection afterwards.

Aizawa was deadly resolved over staying for the meantime and keeping a keen eye on the staff. Beside Dr. Matsuda, who he already decided to trust, he knew nothing about the two nurses, the cook who would come daily to provide a strict diet, the therapist who talked to Eri -and soon to maybe Izuku too- and the officers admitted for protection. The officers were Tsukaushi's men, so he didn't concern himself with their motives much, but Matsuda's staff... Not so much.

Not after what happened with that sorry excuse of a doctor, Tanaka.

Which brings us to the meantime, where he was having an interview -more like an interrogation- in the living room. He sat on a chair infront of a long sofa in the middle of the room, a cozy green carpet coating the whole floor.

He glanced at the older male, nurse Akashi, who was fidgeting nervously under the cold scrutinizing gaze of the hero.

"What do you know about the kids?" Aizawa felt the tingling of his quirk at the back of his eyes that he tried to suppress, leading his eyes to narrow dangerously, which did not ease the intimidating aura he was already emitting.

"S-sir. I only know of the medical information. I don't know anything else. I haven't been able to meet them yet." His eyes darted back and forth from the table separating the sofa from Aizawa's chair, to a picture of landscape on the wall behind Shouta, to his fidgeting fingers. Anything but Aizawa.

"And you?" He turned to the younger female nurse, Yuki, whom he remembered helping Izuku on several occasions at the hospital. When he was dying repeatedly, when he needed to change bandages and when he cut his neck recently.

Aizawa winced at the images that popped in his mind, trying to push them aside to focus on what's important.

He wondered if it was wise to bring a nurse who had been there the whole time, which made her a candidate for espionage. Yet he understood that it was medically necessary to have someone familiar with the medical history.

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