XLVII: A Visit

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He didn't tell her, but it was obvious she knew. From how quite she has been, to how spaced out and sorrowful she appeared to be, there was no doubt. It was like she was already mourning, and Mirio couldn't help but wonder what he could do to ease the little girl's pain.

He tried to act natural. He smiled. He joked around. He held her tightly and stroked her hair gently.

She remained still in his arms.

He told her it was just a normal visit. He didn't need to clarify where. He took out the loveliest outfit they had bought together. A purple skirt, with white leggings and a cozy white sweater underneath a white jacket littered with purple and pink flowers. The sweater had a small purple heart right at where her actual little heart would be, and the jacket had both a fluffy collar and fur-coated sleeves.

Togata stood back to admire his little girl, while she stood awkwardly, a little bit self-conscious, clutching the strap of her purple bag crossed on her shoulder.

No matter how warm his smile was, Eri's expression remained numb and grim.

Mirio's smile faltered a little.

He didn't tell her, but there was no way she didn't know.


Yamada knew he couldn't leave Aizawa alone, he knew he had to be there for him. It was a tender and intimate moment, he couldn't help but feel like an intruder, yet he still couldn't leave Aizawa alone.

The living room was unusually crowded. Several of his studens had insisted on coming along when they sensed the tension building up during his class. He doubted they knew what exactly was going on, but they probably had a hunch.

Said students consisted of Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto and Shinsou, the later having a tall woman with identical hair and eyes standing beside.

Two nurses were in the other room preparing some medications.

Aizawa was-

"What the hell are you all doing here?"

There he was.

All the students' gazes were now scrutinizing their teacher heavily. Alot of things has changed about him since his absence. He looked even more disheveled than he already was. A hint of irritation replaced his usual bored and collected tone. His arms were crossed firmly in contrast to his usual sloppy and exhausted form, and he seemed much more uptight, ready to snap at them at any moment.

"Sensei..." Kirishima said meekly. "What is going on?" There was clearly something unnatural happening. If not for Yamada-Sensei's weird mood today, then for Aizawa-sensei's apparant uneasiness.

"Nothing that concerns the lot of you," Aizawa made sure to make eye contact with every single one of his students, scowling lightly to emphasize the message. "Go home," he practically growled at them.

"Sensei, with all due respect," Shouto stepped up next, with his monotonous voice yet determined expression, "it does concern us."

"If you haven't realized yet," Katsuki said challenging with a much less respectful tone than Shouto, "Deku has helped all of us here." Katsuki continued with a glare that equalled Shouta's own.  

"We have the right to know..." Shinsou added.

Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. These kids.....

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