Surprise, Surprise!

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Hey. I could tell you all the reasons I didn't update, but you probably don't really care.


                The path to consciousness was a long one, dark and painful. Even when I reached it I was unable to open my eyes for several minutes. Eventually I could, and did, and then immediately shut them again. The one, naked bulb in the room was very bright and reflected off the unused gray, metal table straight into my sensitive eyes. The otherwise bare room held no interest to me as I gazed at the wall opposite me. This was routine to me: wake up, wait for hours, then get beaten again to change my mind. This had only been occurring for six days, but already I wished something more exciting would happen.

                There were several pockmarks that held my attention on the wall I was staring at, and I began making little pictures from them as I waited out the hours. I had been doing this for all the days I had been there, and the same images kept appearing. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, groaning in annoyance as the muscles in my arms protested. I hadn’t used them in almost five days and they were quite stiff. I had given up defending myself after the first beating since they did me no good, effectively becoming useless.

                I took to staring at the ceiling. There was a fly there, dancing along the smooth surface as it searched for something unknown to me. This grew tiring and I went back to the wall and my pictures.

                Suddenly, the door was banged open with a deafening clang, and a familiar figure walked in, the same figure that had incapacitated me at the ball. The same figure who came in everyday, offering me a job that I didn’t want. He seemed smug about something, and it irritated me more than it should have.

                “Good afternoon, Matthew. I’m glad to see you’re awake,” he said pleasantly, the underlying menace in his voice was well concealed. I growled in response, unable to help myself, and he laughed.

“Now, now. Can’t we be civilized?” The look on my face must have answered him for me, because he sighed and changed tactics. “Do you have anything new to say to me? Any questions you may have?”

                “Yeah, just one,” I reply, catching him off guard momentarily before he managed to cover it up quickly. “How did you manage to get everything in here the same shade of gray?”

                He rolled his eyes at me, and I gave him a grin back before he crouched down to my level. “You will agree to this deal. You will do as I say. You will, you will, you will,” he whispered before punching me on the shoulder.

                I heaved a sigh and leaned my head back. I refused to look at him, instead tracing the healing lines on my abdomen from where Edward had clawed me up. It was getting there, but it still wasn’t completely closed up, and I was sure that a hit would cause it to bleed again. I needed to see a doctor – one for my kind – to make sure that it was healing correctly, and that wasn’t going to happen if I was stuck in here. Maybe if I accepted the job, it would be over soon and I wouldn’t have to deal with some vampire brat who thinks the world is hers for too long. My decision was made, and I wondered why I just didn’t give in six days ago when the offer was made kindly and without pain.

                Because werewolves are stubborn creatures by nature.

                “Fine. I’ll take your damn deal. I’ll protect your stupid vampire daughter at her fancy college. I’ll fucking make sure she never gets a scratch on her pretty blond head as long as I can get out of here,” I hissed. The man seemed taken aback for a minute, and then collected himself.

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