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Lovely writers and readers,

It gives me immense pleasure to announce "Mom plan - breakup and chaos- Sidnaaz by @anindita2014 as the winner of "Tell-A-Tale" episodic contest

This has been marked as a winner on the average rating by the jury panel. There hasn't been a common favorite as each jury had their own favorites and hence this particular story scored highest on average on all the judgement parameters

I and the jury would like to congratulate the winner Anindita and all other writers as well for their efforts. Thank you each one from the bottom of my heart for participating in the mission to spread happiness, smiles and joy in the dark testing times.

Please keep up the good work. And remember "NOT WINNING DOES NOT MEAN LOSING". For joining in to bring positivity through your work each one is a winner.

Thank you jury members for such a detailed judgement and being fair.

I wish you all the very best.

Love, light and happiness
Shefali ❤️

"Tell-a-tale" - Sidnaaz episodic story contest Where stories live. Discover now