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Golden eyes gazed up at the starry firmament in Pomefiore's dorm. The spring sea breeze, laden with humidity, indicated to the four of them that there were still a few long months to go before summer arrived.

Riddle's head rested in his lap, his right hand, however, firmly clasped his own, interlacing their fingers. His left hand rested on his reddish hair, stroking it gently. On the other side of him sat Rook, whose boyfriend rested his head on his shoulder. Vil had sought to latch onto his arm, and now that he paid attention, he saw that they were also holding hands.

They were chatting casually when suddenly he heard something unusual come from Rook's lips, a confused way of referring to him. When he thought he was addressing Riddle, he called him something else. He had always thought Rose Chevalier was embarrassing, but he drew the line at the one he had called him, for there would be no doubt in the relationship they were in.

"Wait, Rook, did you change my nickname again?"

"Oui! I've been thinking about it all this time. Rose Chevalier is outdated, Roi des Roses suits you much better! Reine des Roses would be Riddle-kun's."

"Reine means queen, and would refer to the one belonging to The Seven, as well as her husband..." Riddle mused aloud. "It seems appropriate."

"One moment, please." Trey interjected again, seeing that he was being left alone on that ship. "Rose Chevalier was peculiar, but at least it was like yours, Rook, from a right-hand man."

"I'm afraid it can no longer be like mine. Reine du Poison was solitary and powerful, while the hunter was her faithful and devoted follower. But you two, however, are the embodiment of the charmant (charming) marriage of the King and Queen of Hearts. Therefore, Roi et Reine des Roses fits you like a glove."

"Yes, I understand and agree, but if you call me king instead of knight, people will start to assume things..."

King and Queen of Roses? There would be no doubt in the mind of anyone who heard them. He was not fond of the other nickname, but if he had to put up with it inevitably, he preferred it as it was not so obvious. He hoped to convince Riddle, at least, with those arguments, even Vil, who was the only person Rook really listened to.

"Oh, please, everyone knew it but you two." Vil grumbled. "And aren't they already calling you that? Cater was very proud of patenting it the last time I spoke to him."


Why was he not surprised that Cater had been behind it? From his dorm, he was the only one who had been entrusted with the information of their relationship, increasingly public knowledge as far as he could tell. Trey sighed resignedly, if anyone else besides Rook started calling him Roi des Roses, he swore he would die of embarrassment.

"I told them the nicknames were in accordance with our positions as leader and vice to those who asked, but they look quite comfortable using them." Riddle explained. "However, if it makes you uncomfortable, I won't hesitate to put them in their place. I'm sorry I didn't mention it to you."

"Don't apologize, you're not to blame for anything." Trey insisted, and decided that he would talk to Cater. "More than making me uncomfortable, it's in case people find out. Although, well, according to Vil, he already knows all about Night Raven College."

Which was not true, but a shiver ran through him just thinking about it. The moment it became public, it would mean no longer having control over the information, and thus the possibility of it getting into the hands of Riddle's mother. Discretion was a necessity, at least until they were certain it would not happen. The thumb running over the back of his hand managed to calm his nerves slightly.

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