Chapter 5

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The next morning, in a bar...

Jeth stopped drinking his drink and slammed it on the bar, almost breaking it in shock of the news he had just heard. He leaned in, whispering to his friend: "So Toborro's vault is literally below un, on Hutta?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Been inside. Security isn't as heavy as you'd think. It's like they never expect anyone to be inside. There are probably, if not definitely traps in there and the entrance will kill everyone if you can't close the doors. Other than that, it's like the only people who ever go in or out are the people he sends in... I was the only survivor..." The Rodian said sheepishly.

"Chotusa, buddy – c'mon, when have I ever let you down?" Jeth asked confidently as he signalled the bartender for more drinks.

"I know, that's why I'm telling you this. You could probably get in and out quickly and quietly before anyone knew you were there!"

Jeth looked around before expanding his line of questions. "You know my breaking and entering knowledge isn't.. you know... on the level of a vault this size? I've done it a lot, sure, but this is Toborro we're talking about... I'll need a team. The BEST team. And a plan. A really good plan. How am I supposed to do these things on my own?" Jeth questioned. The bartender delivered the drinks as Jeth hastily chugged his down.

"I... Don't know. But you are resourceful no? Surely you have people that know... people?" Chotusa shrugged.

"Also – more questions. How did you survive? What happened? And what do you want out of this?" Jeth inquired.

"Well, what I want is enough credits to go home to Rodia, buy my family out of slavery and to buy a home. Should cost around 30 thousand credits. That's it." He nodded.

Jeth stopped drinking. "Only thirty thousand?" He sounded bewildered.

"Trust me Jeth. 30K will be nothing when you're rolling in millions."

"I see your point."

"Now, I say survived... maybe spared was more accurate. There was an executioner guy... one of Toborro's enforcers. I knew he was gonna kill us when we had been inside. So, when the opportunity came when he turned his back, I hopped in to one of the carts and hid. Low and behold, he went to murder us, but this... dark figure killed them with what sounded like the force. Their necks all snapped at once with sickening volume. It had to be. The enforcer confronted the dark one but seconds later I heard him yelling, flying into the stratosphere. Then, we get off on Nar Shaddaa. The dark one could sense my fear as I cowered. He got me up, told me I was indebted to him, and spared me... and now, here I am." Chotusa's eyes were in a hyper state as he recalled the events.

"Wow... okay. So, there's a Sith working for the slimeball?" Jeth asked.

"Looks that way my friend." Chotusa confirmed.

"I see. How I'd love to free the galaxy of one of its 'precious chosen'. I'll show 'em their fancy magic is no match for a well-placed blaster shot." Jeth marvelled at his weapon. "Say, how much fortune do you reckon he has stashed down there?" Jeth whispered.

"Millions. Maybe billions. I was only in one tiny part. Even then, it was something spectacular." Chotusa smiled.

"Well, my friend, you have sold me. I'll also sweeten your deal. Depending on our 'haul', you may get a bit more than what we agreed. But that's a BIG if." Jeth got up.

"Seriously??" Chotusa couldn't believe it.

"You are my favourite Rodian after all." Jeth winked.

"Thank you so much brother..." It dawned on him as he spoke, Chotusa realised he had nowhere to stay at the moment, no longer able to stay at the slave house of Toborro.

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