Chapter 17

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Kira awoke from her vision in a bacta tank. She was in the wellspring, home of the Rat King. She relaxed herself as her wounds healed in the soothing water of the tank. Given by the progress made on her recovery, she had been in there for quote some time. She wondered how the tank was able to provide nutrients for her as her mind wondered off. She snapped back to reality when the machine was turned off, with the water going down the drain at the bottom. She grunted to herself when she realised she was only in her underwear.

Taking the breathing mask off, she fell to her knees, coughing and spluttering a small amount of excess that was stuck in her lungs from the treatment. She rubbed her cheek to feel that her brand was gone, having receded away behind her mask of light. She stepped out the tank where she was greeted by Rat King, who was holding her robes which had thankfully been cleaned and repaired following her conflict with Scourge. "How are you feeling?" the Rat King asked as Kira threw her robes on hastily, not very comfortable being watched by the Rat King.

"Better thanks. Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't watch me?" Kira remarked as she finished getting changed.

"Kira... never mind. You did well to call. You'd be dead otherwise. Just what on earth was going on over there?" Rat King inquired. "Also, where'd that scar on your face go? It was like someone had branded your cheek with some ugly tattoo.2

"Well... Me and Scourge had some issues to hash out, and then that psycho trandoshan came and ruined things. As for that scar... well it's a long story, but let's say it only shows itself when the dark side is in play. Is Scourge dead?" Kira sounded keen.

"No. He's alive same as you. Luckily for him he can take a beating like that and keep going. Damn Sith, built sturdy as if they were born to be tortured. He's good to go. But you'll forgive me if I keep you two separated. Don't want my home destroyed too after Zakuul took just about everything else from me." Rat King grumbled.

"What about your spies?" Kira finished strapping her belt on as she pulled her saber back to her.

"Alive. But my assets have been taken. They're as important as each other. But I've got some information that may intrigue you." Rat King proposed as he gestured her out the room to follow him. She did so eagerly, with a faint hope and idea of what this info was.

"Tell me, what did you hear last of your master? Lady Felwinter?" Rat King posed the question Kira had been hoping to hear.

"I thought she was dead. I always hope she survived that explosion. Please tell me you have something!" Kira was practically bouncing with excitement.

"Well don't get too excited, but I had my rats infiltrate Zakuul and had them target their hierarchy. It seems that she is alive." Rat King revealed.

"Where!?" Kira asked loudly, grabbing Rat King's shoulders with excitement.

"...A Zakuul supermax prison. Where she is frozen in carbonite as a trophy with many other enemies of their empire." Rat King sounded deflated about the prospect, but Kira was undeterred.

"Then I'm gonna get her back. Send me the co-ordinates. How far are we from Anchorhead?"

"About an hour by speeder. I'll have my men take you by ship though, should only be a few minutes."

"Perfect. Thanks again Rat. I owe you big for this!" Kira went to leave with a spring in her step but paused when she was called after.

"Kira! Wait! This is one of, if not the most guarded place in the galaxy. How do you even hope to do this? It's suicide girl. Wait for the alliance to take them on and then – and only then – can you stand a chance. Don't throw your life away, girl. It's not worth it. Not yet." Rat King warned her.

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