A Second Chance

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(TW: There is a PTSD flashback in this chapter)

| A week later....|

The bed creaks as a man slumbers.. suddenly a stray light hits his hand, which stirs him up. Rambo yawns as he gets out of bed, cracking his neck and knuckles. He stretches his entire body for a few minutes before walking towards the restroom, and splashes cold water on his face. He looked up, and glanced at his healing minor head wound. It was healing well, but his arm was far from being fully healed.

After getting ready for the day, he closes his bunk door and walked down the hall. It had been a week since they've gotten back to Bragg, and to avoid jail time, the two were re-enlisted into military service. It prevented another Hope incident, and gave Rambo and Pierson a purpose once again. Even if they both didn't seem as fit for military service, they would've caused more trouble in prison rather than here. After walking into the medical ward, he looked at the door notices until he saw his friends name: Beau Pierson. He slowly creaked the door open, as he saw the medic quietly drawing in his hospital bed. His head was still wrapped up and his body in a gown. He had a array of art supplies, as his past time was mostly drawing. It kept his mind busy, and also was relaxing to do for the vet. John knocked on the door frame, as his comrade glanced at him. He didn't say anything as per usual, as Rambo walked toward his bed and pulled up a chair. He watched his friend draw, which was quite interesting to see.. He worked effortlessly sketching out a horse, and then erasing the quick sketch away to reveal a good proportioned stallion.

"...'remember you likin' horses, right?" Beau surprisingly spoke to the muscular man, as John nodded. It was the first time he spoke since Hope, and the green beret cherished each time they conversed to each other. "Mhm." The man smirked a bit, as Pierson kept drawing. The auburn haired male opened a new ink pen, as he inked in his sketch. His hand strokes were light and soft, as he inked in the mane and tail. The medic closed the ink pen, as he glanced at Rambo with the expression of he needed something. He then looked at the art supplies bag on the floor, which John promptly picked up, and handed to the battered man. Body language was the main form of communication for his friend, over the years he grew more comfortable using it rather then speech. A quiet man most of the time. Beau nodded in thanks, and grabbed a few browns aswell as a couple of auburns. "You's feelin' any better?" Johnny asked, his tone low yet lining with care. Pierson used his right hand to do a signal meaning Negative, which his hand was bandaged up too. The muscular man nodded, as he asked that every day since they got transferred here. Rambo kept his friends close, especially since his whole squad was gone. He only had Trautman and Beau after all..

After a while, he had colored it realistically to a appaloosa horse. John watched the television that was in the room as he worked, which was playing a local news station. Beau then oddly passed it into John's lap, which laid neatly upon him. "..Take it." Pierson's voice cracked, as he gave a quite rare small smile. The two stared at each other for a moment as the green beret being surprised. He looked at it and as be turned it over, it had a signature on the back. 'To my best friend and brother in arms, John J. Rambo.' The man was touched by the gesture, as normally nobody gives him gifts. "Are you sure?" Beau nodded, placing his bandaged hand upon Rambo's shoulder. His hand still trembled a bit, clearly showing the medic was still weak from his injuries.

Suddenly a knock came from the closed door, which opened to show Trautman with a stranger leaning upon the other side of the wall. He seemed to just be reading a file, while Sam looked at the two. "So, this is where you've been Johnny? I was lookin' all over for you, and forgot to check the most obvious place." A chuckle escaped the colonel, as Beau's hand quickly retracted back to his own lap. "Now, I need to inform you both on a mission you will be partaking in as soon as your fully healed.." Trautman said with a stern loo, before putting down a folder on the nightstand. "As per agreement with judicial system, you will need to work off your jail sentence by serving your country again. Thankfully that plea deal kept you both out of prison." Sam stated as he walked around the room, and then glancing at Rambo and Pierson. Though another Col. knocked on the frame, and looked at Trautman. "Trautman, I need to have a word with you." The two high ranking officers stepped outside, but were close enough so that both can hear the conversation.

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