Halloween Aftermath

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"I think this Halloween was the scariest of them all don't you agree Namjoon?"

Namjoon smiled at the clown, "Of course Hoseok, Jungkook really pulled it off this time."

"He did didn't he."

Their conversation was interrupted with loud shouts and cheers coming from the distance. A tall pale man was riding on the horse, surrounded by all sorts of creatures. They were all complementing him, praising him, even going so low as to kiss his feet. Of course this isn't anything new, in fact this happen on a daily basis. The skeleton forced a smile and waved to everyone as he rode past him. "Jungkook! Tonight was great wasn't it."

"It was definitely something, I'll tell you that Namjoon." He got off his horse and stood in between his two friends.

"You don't sound so happy Jungkook." Hoseok snickered and Jungkook returned him with a glare.

"Of course I'm happy, but aren't you tired of the same old thing. I mean we have been doing this our whole lives and nothing has changed."

"Of course it's not going to change any time soon. We have been doing this forever." Namjoon rolled his eyes at Hoseok's comment.

The two started bickering and Jungkook secretly drifted away from the two. He walked past the the crowd of different monsters, some still talking about what a great night they had. The thought of that just made Jungkook sigh and he put his head down. He finally made it to the graveyard and began to slow down his steps. He paused, "Is this really what my life holds for the rest of my life?"

A gust of wind blew past him and he was distracted when a loud bark was heard in the disrance. Jungkook smiled as he saw Yeontan running up to him. The dog barked and barked until it go the attention he wanted from the Skeleton. The skeleton sat by one of the gravestone and rested his head on it. He kept wondering if only being the pumpkin king was his only choice in life. His pitch back eyes glistened in the moonlight as he stared up at the stars. He started humming a little toon and kept petting Tannie so he didn't get angry.

The sun was just getting ready to rise and Jungkook finally decided to get up from the gravestone. He almost fell on his face as his foot got caught in an overgrown root. He grumbled curse words under his breathe and licked the root as he walked past. Soft jazz music was playing as the walked to his house. His long skeleton hands reached out for the door knob and he calmly walked into his house.
"I wonder if their are any different holidays out their?" He thought to himself.

Tan barked at Jungkook as if he was replying which made Jungkook smile. "You would know wouldn't you."

Jungkook looked at his library of book to see if he could get any knew ideas for next year. He had to bring something to the town meeting today. He only has 364 days to plan, he wonders why he never gets a break after Halloween. A knock on his door startled him.

"Jungkook town meeting in 5 minutes." A brown werewolf yelled through the door.

"Got it Namjoon."

Jungkook rumbled his hands on his face in frustration, he hasn't thought of anything which is not like him at all. He sighed and got his things together and headed to the town hall.

"Jungkook your finally here! If only took you three blood moons!" Jungkook rolled his eyes at the comment Hoseok made.

"Just get on with it Hoseok."

Hoseok stood up and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentleman we are here to talk about what we can do better for next year's Halloween. Namjoon why don't you go first."

Namjoon glared at Hoseok as he stood up, "Thank you fro that fine introduction Hobi, but frankly I think it's going to be hard to pull off a Halloween that can beat this years." Other agreed with him as he kept talking. "I think we
should find new ways to scare the town, they must be expecting most of us by now."

"And how are we going to do that Namjoon?" Hoseok jumped in. "I mean we only found one new way last year. How are we going to find another one?"

"Well I was hoping Jungkook would have some answers."

Jungkook jumped as he heard his name getting called. He cleared his throat and stood up, "Well I haven't come up with anything yet, but I'm sure I will soon. So let's continue this meeting in a week from today. Good day everyone."

Everyone watched as Jungkook quickly packed his stuff up and rushed out of the hall. Monsters were mumbling to each other wondering what was wrong with the pumpkin king.

Jungkook took fast steps out of the hall rushing to the forest behind the pumpkin patch. He needed fo get out of that meeting quick before everyone made fun of him. Everyone would surely make fun of him fro not coming up with anything, so he needed to come up with something fast.

Sticks and leaves crunched as Jungkook walked through the forest, Tannie barking happily behind him, thinking of was one of his walks. Jungkook kept zoning in and out as he walked through the forest. He stopped when he came to a circle of trees that had different color doors. One had a turkey, one had a heart, a colorful egg, and so one. But one caught his eye as he stumbled to a decorated tree with a bright yellow star at the top. His skeleton fingers gripped the door knob and surprisingly it was unlock. He open the door and only saw a black hole of emptiness. A gust of wind came up behind him and pushed him into the hole. He closed his eyes as he fell down and suddenly a cold white powered covered his feet. He slowly closed his eyes as the impact from the fall was quite big. As he closed his eyes, he saw a figure of a boy kneeling before him, whispering "Sir are you okay?"

He was too tired to answer before his slumber took over him.

First Chapter! Hope you guys liked it!!!
Sorry for spelling mistakes!

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