Chapter Thirteen

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Aurora's Point of View

Keeping track of all of Zu Zu's school drama, which she updates me on regularly, not to mention the last few months stress over Harry with the Triwizard Tournament, was difficult to manage with the new job which thankfully wasn't that stressful. Not in itself at least, the stress was mostly adjusting to the new schedule, and fitting in with my new co-workers.

Although if I let myself slow down for more than five minutes, I would realize my main cause of stress, is coming from my newest correspondence. Which I ironically was the one that initiated it, not that I would say I regret it, but talking to Snape but not really talking to him, was extremely tiring.

I thought originally when I offered the olive branch so to speak, that it would be a slight relief to be at least on speaking terms with Snape, since we haven't spoken in years and that is one of the many large regrets of my life. But I quickly discovered after exchanging about two letters, that although we were technically speaking, this was definitely not the conversation that I had been hoping for. 

Whereas I was writing that I was glad to hear that Zu Zu hadn't gotten into trouble lately, what I wanted to say, was thousands of other things like all the many ways his daughter was just like him, or the millions of memories I wanted to share with him about Zu Zu. Or even just how much I've missed him. But no, I just keep this tiny little shred of communication with him, discussing some of the most unimportant and insignificant details we could be discussing. 

It seems like all my conversations are stilted these days if they aren't with Zu Zu or maybe Remus but I haven't spoken to him recently. 

I shake my head as I start sorting through the stack of letters sitting on my desk from the last few days. It was my own fault really, I could try more to keep track of Remus's current whereabouts so I could write him more often. But truth be told, I didn't really want to reattach myself to him.

Not after James and Lily... and Sirius going to, and breaking out of Azkaban.... It seems like everyone from school turned out badly one way or another.

A letter with the Hogwarts crest caught my attention so I opened it, quickly recognizing it as McGonagall's neat scrawl. Scanning it first for any mention of Zu Zu, and seeing nothing alarming, I reread the letter this time more carefully.

It read "Dear Aurora, as you know there's an annual ball that is held alongside the Triwizard Tournament called the Yule Ball. Ava will need a dress to be sent down to the school. Additionally, one of our chaperones for the event fell ill and we need a fill in. Would you mind stepping in? Let me know as you're our first choice, and if you're going to fill in, arrive the day of the ball about three hours in advance. Minerva McGonagall".

Mentally I compared the information given by McGonagall in her letter, to what Zu Zu had told me, and figured out when the ball was, and a list of things I would have to do before I could accept, none of which would be too difficult. I reached for a piece of parchment, and formed my reply quickly, since I wasn't sure when she would need the response by.

As I sealed my reply and went to fetch our owl, the lone thought hit me that among my other fellow chaperones would be Snape. Immediately I banished it. Even if he was one, which he very well might be, we wouldn't be around each other much I'm sure, and certainly not alone.

At least, I hoped we wouldn't be.


Ava's Point of View

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to this Yule Ball. For one thing, I wasn't into huge public settings, especially if they required dancing. For another thing, it seemed like everyone was already paired off, and everyone that offered to take me annoyed me in one way or another. 

Besides what I really wanted to do during the ball while everyone else was busy was do some snooping. And my mother hadn't even sent my dress down like she promised to do which was surprising because I told her I was considering going, mainly because I knew she would get suspicious if I didn't, and she always follows through on her promises.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed someone sitting down on the couch in the common room beside me, and I mentally groaned. There was only one person stupid enough to bother me while I was studying. 

I glanced to my right and rolled my shoulders, working to relax them. "What do you want Malfoy?"

"A lot of things."

"Let me rephrase. Is there something you want from me?"

"Unfortunately yes. I've changed my mind about taking Pansy to the Yule Ball. She talks too much. So I'm taking you instead." 

I snorted. "Um, I hate to tell you this, but I don't want to go with you. Or anyone for that matter, I'm not going." 

He only looked mildly surprised. "You should want to go with me. Everyone with a brain does." I rolled my eyes and he continued, "But I figured you wouldn't. You're too stubborn to admit your crush. So instead I'm going to offer you a deal, but if anyone finds out I said this-"

I raised a brow at him and cut in, "What, your father will hear about it? I doubt he cares about Yule Ball dates. And he certainly wouldn't want to face my mother."

"No," He sneered, "But I doubt you want everyone finding out you're Potters cousin. You seem to like lurking in the shadows too much for that. And being the cousin of the boy who lived, well that would certainly make you Miss Popularity."

Merlin I hate this guy. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's to stop you from telling everyone after this?"


"Then I don't want to make whatever deal you offer unless it includes a warranty of sorts. That no one will find out about my cousin from you."

He waved his hand, "Yeah yeah."

"So what's the deal?"

"You come to the ball with me, help me teach Parkinson a little lesson, and I'll help you find what you're looking for." He glanced at the papers in my Herbology book a little too meaningfully. "Your father."

I stiffened, no one knew I was looking for my father. Not even my mother. And I certainly didn't want Draco Malfoy of all people knowing. "How do you know that?"

"I told you when we met. This is my school. I've got eyes everywhere, nothing gets past me."

"No you don't. You snooped through my things you little ferret," I lunged at him then, aiming to possibly scratch out his eyes, but he had pretty fast reflexes and he quickly grabbed my wrists just before my nails reached his face. The spark of fear in his eyes was worth having his grimy ferret hands on me I suppose. 

I yanked my hands away and glared at him. "Besides, how are you going to help me?"

"I've got methods for finding things out, methods that you don't. Are you accepting the deal then?"


His smirk made me wish I had my wand with me. "I knew you'd come around." He stood, winking at me, "See you at the dance."

Yeah, I definitely hated him.

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