Chapter 6

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Dr. William Francis Norman O'Loughlin and a nurse walked into the cabin. It was time to tough through the autopsy of Junior wireless operator Harold Bride, who had been attacked and killed. But they soon found that Mr. Bride's body was gone, as well as his clothes that were on a nearby table. All that was left was a note.

"Upon 6 am, he shall awake. I brought him back with a homemade vial and a kiss."

There was no signature. No initial. No way to find out who wrote it. Dr. O'Loughlin and the working nurse looked at each other. "Am I to understand that someone kissed a dead body?!" He asked. Meanwhile, John had waited awake until 6 am, when he knew Harold would come. And when he did, the two embraced each other tighter than ever before. In a few hours, Officer Moody was due to bring the new wireless operator to the cabin. Imagine his surprise and shock when he sees that Harold Bride is back! "I missed you! I missed you so much!" John said, tears streaming down his face as he hugged Harold forever close. Harold didn't really say anything. His face buried in John's shoulder as he sniffled. Dr. O'Loughlin took the note to Mr. Andrews, who was a good friend of his and asked if he may bring him to the bridge to report this puzzling predicament to the Captain. "Mr. Murdoch!" Came the voice of Mr. Andrews. Mr. Murdoch was at the bridge, having just recently relieved Lightoller, who was currently on break and taking a nap. As an officer, it wasn't always easy to keep a certain personal schedule, such as taking showers and other related things. As an officer of the sea, one doesn't get many chances for sleep, so you take as much sleep as you can when you get the opportunity. As Lightoller gets off his evening watch at 10 pm, he then goes on his rounds, takes a shower, and heads off to sleep. Meanwhile, Murdoch took his showers in the morning after waking up. Getting off duty at 6 am, Officer Wilde took his shower before being able to sleep for a few hours. Anyways, Mr. Andrews and Dr. O'Loughlin arrived at the bridge to see Officer Murdoch who was chatting with Officer Moody who held a cup of tea. At the shout, both officers looked at the two approaching men. "Where's the Captain?" O'Loughlin asked. "I believe he's in his corridors? Mr. Moody, could you fetch Captain Smith quickly?" Murdoch asked. "Of course, sir." Moody was just about to head into the Officer's Quarters when he ran into the Captain in the doorway. "Oh, Mr. Moody! Hello! I wasn't expecting to run into you." Captain Smith said. "Oh, sir. Mr. Andrews and Dr. O'Loughlin are waiting for you. They're out on the bridge with Mr. Murdoch." The young officer replied. With a curious face, Captain Smith walked out onto the bridge. "Mr. Andrews, Dr. O'Loughlin! What can I do for you?" Smith asked. "Well, I went with a nurse to perform the autopsy on Mr. Bride, but when I got there, his body was gone and I found this note." The doctor explained, handing it to Smith. "Hm... Mr. Murdoch?" "Yes, sir?" The Scotsman replied. "You and Mr. Moody pay a visit to the Wireless Room, won't you?" The Captain said. "Of course, sir." Together, the two officers made their way to the Wireless cabin and upon opening the closed door, what they found shocked them. John Phillips laid on the ground, seemingly sound asleep, and next to him, in a tight embrace, was Harold Bride, who was actually breathing from the looks of it. His chest rose and fell with every breath and his hand, finger or foot would occasionally twitch. They even saw Harold turn over in his sleep, his back now facing the two officers. Murdoch and Moody look at each other. With nonverbal gestures, Murdoch signals to Moody that they should head back to the bridge. Upon arriving back, they report their findings. "Well?" The Captain inquired upon their return. "Mr. Bride is definitely there..." Murdoch said. His eyes on the ground and his head nodding. Moody nodded along with him. Both men practically wearing the same expression. "... and alive..." Moody added. "Yep. That too." Murdoch then said, nodding his head at every word. "Did he say anything?" Andrews finally asked. The two officers shook their heads. "Alright then..." Andrews added a moment later. His voice in a slow and awkward tone. With another bit of awkward silence, the five agree on the puzzling situation and dispersed, each heading off on their own ways. It wasn't long before the news spread across the rest of Titanic's crew... and Moody's plans to bring a new operator to the cabin was canceled. Throughout the rest of the day, and within the next few days other members of the crew, including people such as Captain Smith, Mr. Andrews, and Officer Lightoller. And all three of them really did see Harold Bride, alive and well, as if what had happened over the past few days never happened. Did Harold remember what happened to him? Does he still know who the guilty party is?.. Or were his wounds self inflicted?.. Whatever the truth may be, it was a mystery for another day... "I'm glad you're back, buddy. I missed you so much!" John said, hugging and nuzzling into his best friend. "I missed you, too!" Harold replied, who hugged and nuzzled back. The only important thing that mattered right now... is that Harold Sydney Bride is back.

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