|| Chapter 1: A bit confusing... ||

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[Approximately 30 minutes later...]

And there, the young steve slept. Quite peacefully, in fact. But it seems the machine was not fully stabile when {?;*&#!} made it...

The framework swayed and shook, making creaking noise, as if it would collapse at any given moment. And if it were to collapse.. well, it would be GAME OVER. But our young protagonist's journey can't end like this, not now. Not so early. Two mist-like figures -- seeming like ghosts-- formed next to the machine, looking over it. The red-ish one stared at it, before glaring at the white one; who anxiously looked over the machine.

The white ghost seemed to call out to the young steve, for them to wake up and get out. But it only seemed like a faint whisper.

Despite being asleep, somewhere in the young steve's-- Taupe Steve's-- mind, they felt immense danger; an internal, unconscious panic embedded in their mind that even they weren't aware of. You need to get out, you need to get out, get somewhere safe, the world will collapse, help Help HELP--

The panicked danger feeling evolved, mutated in a way, that they became slowly.. coherent as sounds. Sounds in Taupe's own head.

''wake up.. wake up... heellllloooooo~... wake up! Wake up!''

The sudden voice made Taupe stir a bit, but he still slept, unaware.


The suddenly increased volume certainly did the trick. Taupe jolted awake with a squeak, instantly rolling over by instinct, somewhere, away from wherever that voice came from; he couldn't tell. His back bumped against a pole on the center machine-- where he was in-- and the whole thing collapsed. A loud sound erupted, echoing through the building.

Both of the ghost figures jumped, before quickly going over with worry.

The machine collapsed in a way; the pole Taupe bumped into-- along with a few other machine parts-- fell towards him, whilst everything else fell the opposite way, nonetheless still falling towards him. This effect made it so that it didn't actually fall onto Taupe, instead getting tangled on itself, and basically trapping him in it, in a way.

Taupe's breath hitched, staring at the fallen debris just in front of his face, wide-eyed. He glanced at his surroundings from his spot, trying to make sense of what was going on. "... huh..? What?"

''You need to get out. Push the debris off of each other, but be careful, Taupe Steve.''

(-fun fact!: Taupe's voice sounds a bit like Tommyinnit's, just without such a heavy accent, and a bit younger...-)



There's now a different voice. It's calm, unlike the other one, but still a similar voice. What's going on? Everything feels blurred out...

I hope I get the answer soon. I'm scared.

Maybe.. I should listen to the voice? Maybe. Mmmh...

Yeah. I don't like the position I'm in right now.

I moved my arms and legs a bit. Yep, all there. I tried to calm my breathing, sorta worked. It smells scary here, scary smell.


.. doesn't make sense. Oh well.

I shifted fully onto my stomach, slowly getting into as much of a crawling position as possible. The weird headache I suddenly have now isn't helping. My back hit something, and dust was everywhere. Oh GOD- that's messing up my nose...

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