Chapter 2: The Plane

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Chapter 2: The Plane


"Pick up, pick up." My biological dad was going crazy. The plane had crashed and they had no one to complain to. They were told the plane was about to crash thirty minutes before it did. CRASH! Straight into the parking lot of KFC. My dad and brother had to wait five days to get on a different plane so they could go to Australia. Did you think my brother and biological dad were in the plane? I bet you did. Well, they weren't. The plane crashed 3 hours before departure.

"At least you get to stay here longer." My mom tried to make it sound like a good thing. I have to admit, it was. I got to spend more time with my biological dad. He hasn't even met Jason, my boyfriend. I thought today would be the best day. My mom, Jason, and I met my biological dad and Jackson at the airport. My mom took Jackson home. Jason and I spent the day with my biological dad at the airport. We had lunch at Max an Ermas, went shopping in the gift shops, and had a lot of interesting conversations. Some were about high schools, some were about his parents, and some were about new technology. My biological dad didn't even know the iPhone was invented yet! What a loser. But he wasn't a loser that day, he was great.

My biological dad said he liked Jason and wanted to see him again. I was so so so so so so happy. It worked out perfectly. It was something amazing. Jason was surprised he wasn't mad at him for being his divorced wife's boyfriends son.

"Don't worry about that. It's too confusing for him and for you."

"I guess, I just, I, I, I never mined."

Jason and I drove my biological dad back to his apartment, and we went to Jason's house. I didn't know today would be something amazing!

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