Declaration of War

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*Takemichi sent a declaration of war letter to Mikey*

*Mitsuya enters the room*
"Hey guys I've finished the outfits!*
*Smiley & Angry look up from the stove* Smiley responds with,
"Well then, we're one step closer to this. Takemichi just had Inui send over the letter to Kanto Manji."

*Draken Sighs* "We've been looking up to this fight but what if we lose?"
*Takemichi looks down at the ground* "Yes, we can lose.. but we won't lose if the leader doesn't give up    or admit defeat... SO WE WONT LOSE BECUASE I WILL NEVER ADMIT TO DEFEAT!"

*Draken chuckles*
"There you go again, Takemichy. Talking big, But we all have faith in you, so we believe as long as you won't give up, you can win."

*Kazutora has a untrusting face*
"Takemichy. You know Mikey could... Kill you.. right? Fighting him... Without giving up.. is going to get you killed.. and you know that."
*The room goes silent*
*Takemichi looks up at Kazutora*
"Yes, I know that. I'm still not going to give up! No matter what... Even if I die. I will save Mikey, and all of you.

"Can you shut up!?"
*They all look up and jump becuase of the sudden burst aloud*
"Takemichy! Your not fighting alone anymore! You need to start thinking about yourself, and how we would feel if you died!! What about Hinata!? What would she think if you said that!?"

*Takemichi doesn't respond*
*Takemichi sighs*
"I guess your right... I should be more considerate of how the people around me would feel."
*The room goes silent*

"Sorry guys..."

To be Continued...

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