Little Runaway

292 19 1

This chapter has it all - romance, hot sex, song reference, and a cliffhanger ending!

Regent Berlin Hotel
Berlin, Germany
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
(9:30 am)

Regent Berlin HotelBerlin, Germany Wednesday, October 5, 2022(9:30 am)********************

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"You're a bad girl, aren't you?"

Lindsey was scrolling through his phone, sitting up in bed and looking for evidence that what Stevie had said last night was true - that she had postponed her next concert and told the public she was sick.

There it was, right there on his Google newsfeed.

"Only for you, sweetheart," she said. She was coming out of the bathroom, wearing the plush white robe that the hotel provided. She slid back onto the bed beside him and brought her hand to his face to turn him away from his phone for a kiss.

"I still can't believe that you did this," Lindsey said, turning back to his phone. "You literally told people you had a 'non-Covid respiratory illness' to come here?"

"I mean, technically, Karen did it." She giggled, taking his phone from his hand to look at the picture he was looking at. "Perfect," she said. "She did such a great job...look at that!" She handed him back his phone. "Hey, it's kind of true...except that you were the one with the illness...and technically I did have a respiratory illness...I couldn't breathe without you anymore."

"Oh, baby..." It was Lindsey's turn to pull her in for a kiss, which he did by grabbing the lapels of her robe. What was supposed to have been a sweet, simple kiss lasted longer than either of them had expected once he'd backed her up against the pillows, still holding onto her by the front of the bathrobe. His hands finally moved into her hair as he continued to kiss her, the hungry sweeping motions of his tongue combined with his weight on top of her making her moan slightly as she kissed him back, gleefully pinned down by him and taking in the warm, familiar safety of his body as well as the delicious taste of his kiss, which until yesterday she had never expected to ever feel again. Lindsey noticed the tears in her eyes as he finally pulled away, and looking down at her, became worried and began to stroke her face, his fingers lightly touching her hair. "Stevie...what's wrong? Why the tears, sweet girl?"

"I just..." it was hard to put into words, but she said, "I never thought I'd be with you like this again...never thought I'd even see you again...and your kisses are so sweet and you're right here and it feels so good, and..." Her face crumpled into tears. Lindsey wrapped his arms around her, rocking her softly.

", it's okay...I'm right here,'s you and me...forever this time, okay? No one is going anywhere...this is it, Stephanie...forever."

"Forever." She smiled up at him through her tears, running her fingers through his hair.

"You're still a bad girl, lying to the concert people like you did," he teased, his hand wandering down along her hair to the sash that held closed her robe.

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