Chapter one

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I felt the slight breeze hit my shoulder, I took one step closer to the edge of the cold, rusty, medal bridge. I took one step closer to my death. I let myself sink into my father's words and all the pain and abuse he's caused me. The cold wind blows harder and my grip on the cold medal tightens.

The crashing waves from below the bridge are loud, so, so loud. I want to cry but I can't. I don't have enough time for that.


I walk towards a small figure standing inches away from the edge of the bridge. I slowly approach them, I touch them the shoulder and they gasp from fear.


He knew someone was there.
Watching him.

Looking at him with pity.


They move an inch closer to the bridge, and I quickly place my hand resting above theirs. HE stares at me for a while and we stand in silence for a couple seconds.

He had dark brown eyes, but they looked almost black in the moonlight. "Let go of me" he paused, "I don't have time for this." the boy said.

My eyes softened at the sight of him, what caused him to want to do this?.

"Please don't." I pleaded with him. He stared back at the calm water below us. "I know all the bullshit about "it's not worth it" but I swear, it is not worth it." I paused, "Give me your hand" I said almost demanding him to. He flinched at my sudden change from the tone of my voice

"You don't even know me, why do you care?" he said. "Give me your hand" I said this time with a more soften tone.

The boy gave me his hand and got over the fence. We sat in silence.

"You don't have to talk now or ever but if you want to I'm here. I'm dream." I said looking over to him whilst he stared at the stars above us.

"I'm george." the scared boy said.

George pov:

I'm so tired.

The dark gloomy sky was beautiful, it reminds me of my mother. My mother died from stage four breast cancer when I was about six years old, my father was always very angry person. He always was angry, with or without mother. I don't think my father ever loved me. Soon after my mother had died he would yell at me and get upset at me for no exact reason, more than often. But sometimes there didn't have to be a reason. As I got older the abuse and yelling got physical. Sometimes I like to think that every insult he throws at me is just because he isn't thinking straight, "He's just drunk". What a load of bullshit.


Hellooo!! I'm Dania and I'm writing "Lover's bridge". I'm an 8th grader so I apologize if my writing isn't the best, the reason i wanted to start writing is because a lot of my teachers have said that I'm a very advanced and deep writer. I don't know how accurate this is but wtvv😭😭 I won't just write about dnf as I'm not in the fandom anymore but i'll try to be as consistent as I can with my writings. 😊


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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