Chapter 34

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Ryan's point of view

"So, guys..."  said carefully " the dance is tomorrow. Who are you going with?"

"What? Dude, I thought you were straight." Will backed away from me.

"I didn't mean that way, dumbass!" Idiot.

"I meant, who are you going to ask? Is there any girl that got your attention?"

"We know what you meant." Drake jumped on the couch and I ended up on the floor. What a great brother. I just want to hug him, right now. (Sarcasm there)

"So," I got up, ignoring the face that my idiot brother is grinning from ear to ear. "will you answer my question?"

"Yeah, why not?" Drake said, acting all bored. Man, I want to kick his pervert ass so much. "I'll ask Eve. I think, I kind of like her."

"I am going to..." I attempted to say 'I am going to go Kate' but I got cut off by Will.

"We know 'ask Kate' Save us the story."

I sighed." No. I already asked her."

He smirked "Whatever, dude. I was planning on asking this new girl I met."

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Meredith."

"I really don't care about her name, Will. I want an answer to one other question. Is she cute?" I want beat the guts out of Drake, right now..

"Okay." I need to stop this nonsense. "Let's go see where the girls are. You coming?"

"No, not yet. We'll catch up with you."

Kate's point of view

"Uh, hey Ryan. Come on in." We sat down on the couch.

"Where are Alice and Eve?" He asked looking around.

"They stayed at the mall, for a little bit longer."


"So, where are the guys?"

"Back at the dorm, talking." Well, this was getting awkward in every single, possible way.

"So, if all the guys are there, what brings you here?"

"Can't I just come and see my girlfriend? " he asked me, raising his eyebrows.

" You can, but you have to kiss me first. " I joked.

But, he wasn't. Leaning in, he gently kissed me. I giggled. God, what is it with him, making me giggle? I don't know.

Right then, Domi walked in. " Hey... Katie. "

I gave him a deadpaned glare. As in 'You haven't seen a thing.'

He raised his hands in surrender, leaving the room. I smirked, turning to Ryan. " Where were we? "

" I'm just in the dorm next door, so I'll know if something happens!" I facepalmed.

"What do you want Domi. "

" Well, since I'm almost nineteen, you know I can't stay here, right? "

" Yeah. " I nodded." So, you're leaving?"

"Nope. I agreed with the principal to stay until the end of the school year. " Which is in two days.

" Okay. I wouldn't want you to leave. " I said.

" Really? You seemed pretty eager for me to leave, minutes ago. "

I blushed." Shut up. "

" Okay. " He went to exit the room, but then turned back around. I internally groaned. " Oh, and, Beatrice wants to talk to you. "

" Beatrice?"

He gave me a look.  "Beatrice Braun." Oh.

"Right now? "

He shrugged. " She said, as soon as possible. "

I exchanged looks with Ryan and he shrugged." You better go. "

I got up and exited my dorm. I have a feeling I'm in trouble.

" Come in. " a familiar voice sounded, from the other side of the door.

I peeked inside. The principal was sitting at her desk, looking at some papers, her glasses threatening to slide off of her nose. Like she felt my eyes on her, she raised her head.  "Oh, Kate. I've been wanting to talk to you. Please, take a seat."

I did as she said, taking a seat in very well familiar leather chair.

"I'm going to be straight forward with you on this. " God, she sounds kinda mad. My heart beat quickened." What you did back in Paris was unacceptable. You risked your life and put your friend's lives in great danger as well. If I didn't know the cause of your acts, you would be expelled. However, your brother told me the truth. Therefore, since you will continue your education at this boarding school. Consider yourself lucky, Kate. "

She glared at me. " Very lucky. This is not something to go unpunished. And, yet, you will not be punished. What you will be, is rewarded. "

I gaped at her. " I would appreciate you closing your mouth, dear. "

Great.... How embarrassing." Sorry. " I muttered. 

" I don't support what you've done, but I can't overlook it. Even though, it was dangerous, you still did it. You exposed yourself to danger, to save the ones you love. Why? "

I frowned. What kind of question is that?" Because, I consider them my second family. I would to anything to keep them safe. "

" Very well, then. You may go now. "

I got up and silently walked to the door. My hand was on the doorknob, when the principal called my name once again.

" Oh, and Kate? Call me Beatrice. "

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