Chapter 3

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"You're grandpa used to be a one of the Protectors." woman started "He was the best of all. But, when your father grew old enough to lead the team, he refused to do it. He said not him or his children will continue with it. But he forgot about the fact that you will get your powers. This boarding school has been created many years ago to help couch young Protectors use they're powers. You're grandpa was a part of it, so was your father and now it's your turn."

Sorry, what? " I'm sorry, but I don't get it. What are The Protectors?" I am sooo confused, right now.

"The Protectors are kind of like wizards. The only difference is that the Protectors can fight with spells and elements like fire, water, ice and so on. Wizards can't " Is thus woman crazy? On the other hand her dad was a bit noisy, lately...

" now I have to continue were my dad stopped. But how am I going to do that? I don't even have powers."

"But you do. Have you ever asked yourself how did you even lived that attack?" Like a billion times. "I'll tell you how you did. When you sat down behind that dumpster, you were so scared." I know... "And when that man tried to kill you and you raised your hands up, trying to protect yourself you accidentally hit him with one of the spells."

"You have got to be kidding me! I did that? I can't believe it!" I could have killed that man.

"But believe it." woman started convincing me"You still need to take some tests to see how strong are your powers, but I'm sure you'll do great."

" What kind of tests?" I asked immediately.

" Nothing scary my dear. Come on, let's get going. They're waiting." Why can't she just explain this entire thing to me, properly??

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