Growing Pains

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Growing pains.

Something you first feel at 10 years old when your legs and arms have become gangly and a bit too lanky for your body. These growing pains are talked about frequently and as children we're constantly reassured that these are a normal part of life and that one day they will end.

Growing pains.

However, nobody ever warns you about the growing pains you get at 21 years old. These insomnia ridden pangs of fiery hot pain exist in your head and are invisible to a passerby. Nobody tells you the way they'll keep you up at night gasping for air. Worst of all, nobody is there to tell you that one day they'll go away. They consume you and quickly become your temporary personality.

Growing pains.

But these pains aren't from your arms being a tad bit too long for your growing body. Instead they exist on a plane of immense mental growth.

Growing pains.

Nobody ever tells you growing will hurt this bad. You'll come out on the other side unable to identify yourself in a mirror. Yet, isn't that the point of growth? To change who you are? Maybe, but there is nothing that compares to no longer comfortably fitting into your own head.

Growing pains.

Nobody warns you of the way you'll face them your senior year of college. No one explains the pain of growing from the community you've known for 4 years and trying to find a new one in which you fit best.

You can't possibly prepare for the feeling of outgrowing the simple label of a kid.

Growing pains.

It hurts.

It stings.

Yet the pain takes on an exciting tingle.

Just like the growing pains you felt as a child, the buzz of possibility rises within you along with the terror.

How big will you grow?

Where will your growth take you?

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