Chapter 5: The Successor

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             -  Dedrich:

             -  Yvo:


The Warrior Program has been rigorously active since its creation a few decades ago. There had only been four sets of official warriors who carried the titan-shifting powers. Of course, Marley had control of them for a little longer than that, but it wasn't until the end of the Great Titan War that the country decided it was time to organize an official group that could keep its motherland and people safe. Every thirteen years, a new replacement for each titan would be selected, each carrying traits or characteristics that would best pair with the titan they inherited.

The Beast Titan was a wild card. Its inheritor would get features or characteristics from a different animal, no one genuinely knowing what animal would manifest in titan form. It had only been recently that they could deduce which creature it would be.

Despite his tendency to avoid conflict and shy away from disagreements, Bernhardt was a monster in combat. He had learned early on in training not to bring his non-confrontational nature into a fight, let alone be killed due to it. With his tall stature and sturdy frame, it was a challenge to take him down. He was one of the few who had entered the program as an older candidate. His family had come from a military background, so he was expected to join a branch someday. The Beast Titan holder had always been given to one of the more experienced individuals of the final candidates, and with that, it was sealed: he'd be the one to inherit it. He undoubtedly made his family happy about striking gold—getting one of the highest honors an Eldian could get through being a titan holder.

But with the decision for Bernhardt to inherit his titan a few months ahead of schedule, there came tension for the last spots. You had ensured you didn't fall behind, even putting in extra hours to ensure you'd land a spot. Ded and Yvo did the same, and by the end of the drawing month, it was clear who the final six would be.

"Alright, line up!"

The lot of you quickly maneuvered to do so, spines erect and hands folded behind your backs as Magath and a group of commanders who oversaw the program stood some distance behind him, eyeing you carefully.

The chief paused to inspect your forms before he began his announcement.

"As you know, we have dwindled the candidates to seven and have been carefully compiling all the information on each of you over the last two and a half years." His dark eyes swept over you, mouth set into a firm line. "And we have decided who the five next inheritors will be."

You squeezed your hands tightly behind your back but refused to do anything else, fearing you'd get called out. The anticipation was killing you. You had to get chosen. You just had to. All those years of training, all that effort, but most of all, all that trouble you had caused for your small family. You had to atone for what you put them through.

"Von Brandt."

"Yes, Sir!" The blond responded with vigor.

Magath regarded him with a nod, "Congratulations. You're a Warrior."

You could see the visible relief in his eyes as he gave a salute, barking, "Thank you, Chief, sir!"

Magath moved on to the next. "Rapp."

The dark-haired girl saluted, "Sir!"

"Made the cut."

She tried to hide her smugness, "An honor, Sir!"

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