(authors note)
[Mention of self harm weed]
Chrissy had went home in the middle of the night she had left him exposed and naked he looked down too see his arms had cut marks that where dry he went to the bathroom and grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wet it with water and lightly dabbed it it started to bleed again. Eddie herd a knock at his door he jumped slightly and ran to his room and got some clothes on and opened the door and hid behind it "S-steve?.." Eddie said with a sad tone of voice" Eddie slowly emerged from behind the door and Steve Sall the blood dripping from his arms "e-eddie?.." Steve said with his eyes starting to water "i-i could help you i-if you need" Eddie huffed and stepped aside and Steve stepped into the trailer he walked to Eddie's bathroom and grabbed bandages and alcohol wipes and bandaids Eddie looked down the hallway and passed out falling to the floor with a thud from blood loss Steve heard the noise and yelled "Eddie are you ok?!" No response Steve looked out and saw Eddie laying on the floor unconscious with the blood leaking everywhere Steve quickly grabbed a needle and all the other stuff and ran to Eddie's side and started to stich the cuts in his arm and the other scratches he put bandaids and he started bandaging Eddie's now stitched arm Eddie coughed and slowly his vision went in and out Steve slowly sat him up and hugged him tightly and started balling his eyes out Eddie was concerned because he never saw Steve cry like this he hugged the smaller boy and slowly started to get up Steve looked at him and lightly tugging at his sleeve Eddie looked down and smiled slightly "thank you big boy" he said as he walked to his room and grabbed his lunchbox and opened it Steve looked down the hallway and tilted his head Eddie grabbed the two blunts the where already rolled he walked back out and sat next to Steve who looked confused as hell Eddie put the blunt between his lips and took his lighter out and lit it and took a drag off it and looked at Steve and handed it to him Steve grabbed it cautiously and breathed in to fast he started coughing Eddie Snickered and took the blunt and took another drag and grabbed Steves face with both hands and looked into his eyes Eddie exhaled and Steve inhaled and coughed slightly and exhaled smiling.