Proving Your Obedience

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Every time you return to report your accomplishment to your mistress, you take the stairs or walk to her whereabouts, making you crave to give all your power to her in her presence. Kneeling before her, head down, you repeat the same phrase after every mission, "My divine mistress humbles my arrogant ego with just her presence, where I am powerless and kneel in submission to her will. For where I belong is below her feet." To where she approaches you and puts her feet in front of you. You bend down to kiss it, getting a whiff and taste of her feet. Making your penis hard. She then places her high heels on your penis, forcing it to release precum, where you shiver in pure pleasure. She then says, "Good work my minion." In response, Your brain releases as you return to your senses, you straighten your posture for your goddess. 

Ever since you kissed and tasted mistress' foot, your goal has changed. It is no longer to destroy the villain's organisation and capture the leader. But serving and obeying your mistress, the leader of the villain's organisation who you have sworn to destroy. Where you allowed yourself to be corrupted by her then you submitted to her will and declared your loyalty and obedience to her.

You are now a spy in the hero organisation, acting normal when needed. After successfully completing countless missions, you find yourself kneeling before her again. Where you pledge your obedience and loyalty to her, and kiss her feet.

She says," Well done my slave, you have shown your devotion to serve my will, fully knowing kissing and worshipping my feet places you beneath me in every way possible. Now, for you to seal your fate of being a superhero who was broken by his sworn enemy, swearing to serving her for all eternity, you will destroy the very thing that represented you. The hero organisation. My slave, prove to everyone that you are an extension of my will, show everyone how you have knelt before your sworn enemy, your divine mistress." 

With a moment of silence, you then reply, "Never have I needed to prove my goal so eagerly, as I willingly gave my control of my very existence to my divine mistress, I cannot disobey her commands. I will obey and destroy the hero organisation as if it was any other commands my mistress gives me." 

She says, "I dominate you, your body, your mind, your will. Well answered my devout worshipper." Then proceeds to leave the room.

You stand up, put your suit back on and immediately fly towards the hero organisation. You enter through the front door, where you are wearing the villain organisation suit that your mistress commanded you to wear.

As people turn to look at you, you announce "I have realised my true goal of serving the villain organisation, I allowed myself to be corrupted by the leader who allowed me to be an extension of her will. I have come to seal my fate as her slave for eternity." 

Once you finish, the whole building is silent. You know every single agent of the organisation you swore to help. So you captured all of them through your missions, as the last existing agents are in the very building. You capture every last one of them, friends you once knew, people who have had conversations with you, all captured for brainwashing for the villain organisation. All done by you commanded by a higher being, your mistress. 

You have completed the mission.

You clean yourself up before heading back to mistress' office, where she sits on an expensive chair, wearing all black office attire while wearing a pair of white kitten full d'orsay. You kneel before her, just like you always have. You tilt your head to look down on the floor. She stands up and walks towards you. You hear the clicking sound of her heels getting louder and louder, making you extremely nervous but excited.

Superhero Kneels before VillainessWhere stories live. Discover now