some headcanons before the end

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Yeah like I said, the next chapter will be the end so here's some little headcanons I have that are put into this book

#*Red headcanons*#

-Red has a gun and normal pants And a hoodie to go out in the real world to get stuff

-he wears a mask to hide his face better and the virus as an excuse to not take it off

-Red was pretty silly and fun like the others when they were still famous, until he saw reality for what it is

-he was the only one to remember SOME stuff, blues first friend, the creators talking about just abandoning them, ect

-even if he's busy trying to find some ways to stay alive with everyone, he kinda got bored so just kidnapped people to see what they would do

-he honestly didn't expect everyone to eat the humans

-it's kinda sad how none of the humans remembered them :')

-he always tries to help his friends and take care of them

-he's the only one that knows their age *19*

-shhhh don't tell anyone but he actually has a phone

-when he met you he just felt like u were special, not getting killed by everyone, he felt like you were..ya feel?

-he cares about u so he wanted to let you out so u could be happier, until he changed his mind

#*blue headcanons*#

-blues missing eye was fixed by red

-he's the most helpful one, he cares about the others just like Red

-from when the creators left them, the poor innocent boy still believed "they'll come back ^^"

-no one believed in that like him:')

-he has mental breakdowns, tho not until YOU came into his life

-when he met you he saw you as innocent as a butterfly, he thought you were so adorable

-he tries to help everyone with the simplest things

- this guy? Puppy man..or Puppy monster :3

#*green headcanons*#

- tho green is Blind he acts kinda like a bat, basically Echolocation, that's why he always screams, so it can make echo and he knows what's around him from MILES

-he hates when everyone forgets he's blind

-he's pretty keen of his surroundings even when he's not using Echolocation cus he's been here for so long

-all he sees is black black and black so he'll never know the colors of everyone, tho still know how they look like

-very adorable I must say U-U

-he's pretty quiet, he only screams for Echolocation

-when he heard u squeak, he was confused yet happy there's a sound that's close to his

-tho when he heard that u just had hiccups, something tells him to just help u

-he's pretty kind, and tries to give people company since he can't really help

- always sleepy since he just sees nothing and gets bored easily

#*orange headcanons*#

- little gremlin hungry af

-he kinda has rabies ig, not really tho it's just his personality

- speedy, speeder then everyone

-this guy eats anything he finds, even if it's not food

-he has got food poisoning before and learned to not eat some stuff before making sure it's safe

-he's pretty close to purple, they homies👌

-when he saw u he just wanted the food, but your kindness on helping him eat food, that just won his heart

-he's like the puppy monster, but an actually a puppy monster

-everyone gets confused on what he is, the creators didn't know what they even made but just went with it

#*purple headcanons*#

-he's antisocial, can't tell me otherwise

-he's a boy in this book for some reason

-he says on everyone just because


-his room is the only one that doesn't have cameras, he asked Red to remove the cams since it made him uncomfortably, Red gladly removed them

-he's tall- like really tall

-even if he doesn't hang with everyone much he still loves his friends

-orange and purple, the two slim friends

-ever since he saw you he came out more

-almost tired of existing *same*

#*y/n headcanons*# * "just gonna say one thing or two"

- this y/n is in college so 19 years old

- expected a normal field trip, that was basically gonna be a little break for everyone because of stress

Yeah k cya

And luv yall <3

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