When I First Saw You

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2nd April, 2019 (pre depression)

Willow's POV 

"Willow Olsen, your bus has changed. You are now in bus no. 16," my class teacher announced. 

I shouldered my bag and said my goodbyes to all my friends which were quite a lot. There was Kate, Ariana, Grace, Leo, Ash, Hailey etc. I am very social. 

I got on my bus and took a look around, eyes searching for someone my age. I spotted a girl from A section (I'm in C). I actually knew her. She was Abigail Bloom. A nice enough girl. 

"Hey there!" I called out. She turned to look at me and smiled. "Can I sit with you?" I asked hopping over to her. "Sure!" She said moving her bag. I plunked down in the window seat beside her. 

"I'm Willow," I said offering my hand. "Abigail," she replied shaking it. 

                                                                     -- xxxxxxxxx--


Hey guys! 

New book!!!

Hope you guys like it. It's based on a true story actually so it may not be that interesting but I really hope you enjoy it. 

Be careful of the trigger warnings and please be safe. 

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