Fuck The World

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19th February, 2020 (pre-depression)

Third Person POV

"COVID cases on the rise in China. Planes sent to evacuate Indians." 

Willow's eyes flicked over the newspaper idly. She was barely registering any words. The only reason she was even holding it was because her dad had been shouting at her to 'know about what was going on in the world'. But seriously, who cared about some stupid illness. Those came and went. This would go away too.

(A month later)

19th March, 2020

"Lockdown all over the country. Stay inside and stay safe." 

This COVID thing sure had become big. How long could lockdowns last though? It would have to end soon. 

(A month later) 

10th April, 2020

Classes had started online. Willow found them fun. She also got to do so much fun stuff like baking. They even got a new TV and a tablet. Maybe this lockdown wasn't so bad after all.

(2 months later) 

This was fucking annoying. School was still online and it was exhausting Willow beyond comparison. Her work was pending, every topic soared above her head and she was stuck with nothing to do. On top of that, she never got to leave the house. She loved her family and all but it got hectic to stay with them for such a long period of time. They shouted a lot and scolded a lot more. She couldn't stand it. 

Fuck the world. 



Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. (I know my writing is terrible but please bear with me.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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