It's Okay

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Hey guys! Before this chapter starts I just want to let you know that the story is based in India so there will be references to that. The reason everyone has American names is because I'm not creative with Hindi ones. 


5th November, 2019 (pre-depression)

Third Person POV 

Willow was curled up in a ball, lying on her bed. Her parents were fighting again. She plugged her ears with her fingers to block their shouting. This has become a daily routine now. Willow would come from school everyday and find her parents fighting. 

She was sick of it. 

The door to her room opened with a bang and her mom walked in. Willow immediately straightened herself. Her mom would definitely shout at her if she was caught crying. 

Her elder sister, Ella, was a bit late. 

Her mom grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet. "Cry and I'll give you something to cry about!" She dumped her back on the bed before storming out, slamming the door. 

Ella crumbled and broke down. Willow reached her small hands out to her sister. "Are you okay?" She wrapped her arms around her sister. 


Willow recoiled in shock. She rubbed her red cheek as her sister glared at her. "Stay away from me," she threatened. 

Willow didn't get it. What did she do?

"She's just stressed. If I was scolded, I would be sad too. That's why Ella hit me. She didn't mean it," Willow decided. "It's okay." 



I know this chapter is TERRIBLE so sorry. 

Btw, Willow is currently 8 years old and so is Abigail. Ella is 5 years older and is 13 currently. The story will go through many ages so I'll keep posting. 

Enjoy, vote, share and comment!!!

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