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My stomach growled as I realised, I hadn't eaten since before tonight's game. Faith was soundly asleep my now so going downstairs to grab some food wouldn't wake her. I slipped out of my room and closed my door softly on the way out.

Everett's door was closed with the lights in his room off, that was a good sign and my parents hadn't barged in so that meant I was hopefully in the clear. In all honesty they'd probably heard other girls sneak in and out of my room from time to time but I knew they'd bring it up the next morning if they did and that was a conversation I'd rather not have.

I pulled open the fridge, admiring the contents and trying to figure out what I was in the mood for when the front door swung open on its hinges. I spun around quickly, the noise giving me a fright as I figured I was the last one to come in for tonight.


"Why do you always go back to her?" He sighed, sounding disappointed but his assumption was wrong for once. He probably figured I snuck Erin in and sure as hell wouldn't guess it was Faith Jacobs, that's if he even knew who she was.

"It's not what you think." I muttered, getting annoyed that he was about to grill me for answers on whoever I had over and give me a thousand reasons why Erin was bad for me, all of which I'd heard before.

"Yeah right, like you don't go running back to your ex-girlfriend every time you need sex, homework answers, validation, or a fucking hug. Move on for God's sake, Logan." Well, that was blunt. Everett always was, he didn't like when people made excuses and his idea of fun was fucking with people's heads but hated when others reciprocated it. Typical.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I turned my back, grabbing some pre-packaged health food shit our mom stocked the cupboards with after losing all motivation to make something enjoyable given the little chat with Everett.

"Why don't we go find out." Everett muttered and before I could think I watched him bolt towards the stairs and race up as I shoved the protein bar in my jeans pocket and scrambled after him. Faith was in my bed fully naked and asleep, if Everett walked in on her like that and woke her up, I was sure she'd be upset.

I ran after him, almost tripping on the top step because I wasn't watching where I was going and seeing him crack the door open and peer in as I got to the top of the stairs and didn't hear screaming so hopefully Faith wasn't awake and Everett didn't see anything he shouldn't have.

He turned back to me, a surprised look on his face as he furrowed his eyebrows and stared at me, waiting for an answer like I owed him one.

"Erin is blonde." He muttered.

Yeah, no shit dumbass.

"So, either you did a real number on her or that's not Erin." He looked back in at the dark-haired girl bawled up in my bed before turning to me again, still confused. I didn't feel like explaining the situation right now and it wasn't my place to tell him everything about her and why we were sleeping together.

"No, it's not." I glanced in at her still sound asleep between my sheets and her body covered to the point Everett wouldn't have seen anything.

"Who is that?" He questioned as I pulled the door shut so even if she was awake, she wouldn't hear us talking and worry something was wrong.

"Faith Jacobs." I answered, kind of curious if he knew of her as she wasn't someone who I'd ever seen him talk to when he was at school with us a couple years back.

"Faith Jacobs? As in Dean Jacobs' little sister?" So, he did know her? It hadn't occurred to me that in out small town obviously she would be related to Dean. He wasn't exactly a good person, drugs, alcohol and dealing to anyone who paid him which therefore included preppy rich kids from our private school who had an endless supply of mommy and daddy's money to spend on whatever the hell they wanted.

Why had I never realised that her uniform was the outdated old version and the only time I'd ever see her around was at school or on the South Side. God was I actually dense? Of course, she was Dean's sister.

"You have horrible taste in women." He scoffed, turning his back, and slipping back down the hall to his room. Fuck him. He acted like he was so God-damn mature when I hadn't seen him in a stable relationship since his elementary school girlfriend.

"Are you high?" I whisper-yelled down the hall, thinking there had to be some reason for him to be a certain... more outspoken kind of ass tonight.

"Shhhhhh." He hushed me as he half fell through his bedroom door and I head crashing coming from inside.

He'll be fine.

As I opened the door again, I looked to the bed, now empty and quickly rounded the corner to make sure she hadn't tried to climb out the window or anything thinking I was getting in shit for having her stay there. As much as Everett would give me a hard time for sneaking anyone in the house, I'd covered for him so many times when he was back in high school, he owed me for this now.

I glanced at the cracked bathroom door and wandered over, pushing it open and seeing her button up the now somewhat dry white shirt. Her hair messy and knotted as she pulled it back into a ponytail on the back of her head and the shorter front strands hung on her face before she glanced in the mirror, jumping when she saw me watching her.

"Logan-" She gasped, spinning around, and pulling the shirt down to cover herself like there was something I hadn't seen when she was letting me fuck her fifteen minutes ago.

"You're leaving? Faith no, it's three in the morning." I scolded, hoping to put some sense into her but also accepting the fact she might get in trouble if her brother found out she wasn't home when he came down from whatever substance he was drugged up on come morning.

"Don't worry about me. It's not your job anyway." She shook her head, grabbing the rest of her school uniform and dressing herself without a complaint as I stood in the doorway. She smirked as she left the bathroom and noticed me gawking at her before grabbing her phone off my nightstand.

What the hell did that mean? 'It's not your job anyway'

Like I need to be her long-time boyfriend to care that she wants to walk home at three in the morning, not to mention the fact that would mean a long ass walk that would take her back to the South Side and her drugged up brother.

Her skirt rose as she bent over and I tried not to think about trying to convince her to stay but my dick swelled, balling my fists my sides trying to think of anything else, someone else.

"Are you going to be okay getting home?" I thought of her brother, the healing bruises all over her and the old scars I'd felt but not seen on her hips, waist, and stomach. Maybe it made more sense than I'd put together before.

"Yeah, fine." She turned after straightening out her uniform and smiled up at me convincingly. She was in school uniform on a Saturday, people would second guess why I suppose she'd work that out too.

"It's the middle of the night, maybe you should just stay until it's light outside at least?" I suggested, hoping she'd stay.

"Thanks for letting me crash here for a few hours." She offered me up a sympathetic little smile and I knew that was code for 'thanks but no thanks.' With that, she carefully made her way down the stairs and slipped out the door, leaving the words hanging in the room, icy and cold while my bed still lay warm and full of the memories of fucking her.

Felt like I needed a chapter that introduced Everett a little more so I hope this chapter wasn't too boring lol.

Anyways, if you feel like it tell me about your life's drama seeing as my only source of entertainment right now is editing this book...

- A

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