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Olivia Presley. An unknown daughter to Elvis Presley who had everything she wanted in life and more. The greatest gift in life to her dad. The man who meant everything to her. She was living her best life with him and their family at Graceland. The year was 1974. Olivia was now 12 years old and Lisa Marie 6 years old. It was hard for their parents to believe how fast they were growing up. Olivia had grown taller and loved wearing colorful dresses that complimented her thin figure. She usually didn't do much to her straight dark blonde hair but occasionally curled it with help from Priscilla. Her facial features were becoming more prominent and one could definitely see a bit of Elvis in her

The Presley children were waiting in the living room on the couch for their parents who were still upstairs in their room. They had plans to go out but that was as much as they knew. "Ready to go, girls?" Elvis said as he walked over, smiling down at his two kids. His hair had grown longer as well as his sideburns and he wore sunglasses no matter where he was. Numerous rings were snug on his slim fingers. Olivia had eavesdropped on her dad to where she found out about his terrible eyesight and was on medication to keep him from going blind. Glaucoma it was called. Elvis held Lisa's hand as he led his girls outside to his newest car, a Rolls Royce

He opened the back door for his daughters and chuckled at watching them eagerly scramble into the vehicle. "Easy now, it's brand new. Don't want to scratch her up."

Priscilla approached the car and Elvis opened the passenger door for her, smiling in adoration at his wife. "You look beautiful as ever, Cilla." He complimented her and rested a hand on her stomach. The couple was expecting another child which they were both looking forward to. Elvis loved his daughters with all his heart but he had his fingers crossed for a boy this time. "Thank you, honey. You don't look a day over thirty." Priscilla smiles and met his lips with a kiss before getting in the car, Elvis closing the door and walking to the drivers side to get in

"Where are we going today, daddy?" Olivia asked

Elvis looked at her in the rear view mirror. "It's a surprise, Boo. Don't want to ruin your surprise now, do you?"

"Yes." Olivia said

Elvis laughed as he started up the car and drove down to the gate, his uncle Vestor opening the all too recognizable gate at spotting his nephew

Olivia and Lisa were sitting quietly in the backseat for a little while until they began fighting like siblings do. Elvis glanced back at his kids to see what all the ruckus was about. "Goddammit, knock it off or I'll pull this car over!" He warned, sighing in relief when things quieted down. The kids were getting impatient again with each passing minute and before they could start pulling at one another's hair, Elvis parked the car. "We're here!" He announced in a cheery tone. Olivia peeked out the window to see nothing but an empty parking lot. "Where exactly are we?"

"I rented out a carnival for five hours today. I couldn't rent it for the whole day since you girls would get tired halfway through all the fun." Elvis chuckled a bit and got out of the car with Cilla, his wife opening the door for the girls to hop out. "If you start singing Roustabout, I'm getting back in the car." She was mostly serious

There were many mixed emotions coming from Olivia about her dad renting the carnival for as long as he was. Maybe because it didn't feel like a normal carnival with how much of a ghost town it was and possibly because she wasn't too fond of carny's. After all, The Colonel himself was one but she did her best to not think of him. Ever. There were so many different booths to choose from. So many sweets and treats to sample. So many rides to try. They didn't know where to start. Lisa ran off to the cat throw booth, her parents and sister running after her

"Hey! Just because there's no one here but us doesn't mean you run off like that, you understand me?" Priscilla scolded their youngest, Lisa nodding slowly

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