It's Loud or Never

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In The Loud House

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The Loud Family continued to scream in horror, while Lincoln sweat dropped at his family's scare

"Wow, they've been screaming for four minutes Linc..." Lincong said surprised

"I'm both impressed....and disturbed." Lincoln muttered that last bit (1)

"Lincoln, what is that thing!?" Lori shrieked

"And why does it have your face!?" Leni shrieked

"Ok first of all, rude... and second of all, my name is Lincong, another version of Lincoln, I am from another universe, and I happen to be a King as well, not to brag..." Lincong smirked at that last part

"A King?, oh please!, like any version of Stinkoln could ever be a king!, let's see how tough you are!" Lynn Jr sneered, as she went to punch Lincong



Lincong grabbed Lynn's fist

and then


slightly cracks it, with a blank look on his face

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Lynn screamed in pain, as she flailed her arm

Lincong just looked blankly at her and-


punched her down to the ground

"......Ow...." Lynn whimpered in pain

"Nice try....Stinklynn..." Lincong snarled

He then turned to the Loud Family, who stared shocked at what happened

"Ok, I think it's best I explain my entire story to you quickly as possible." WINK! Lincong winked to the viewers at the last part

One quick explanation later

"And now you're caught up." Lincong finished

The Loud Family, sans Lincoln, we're shocked and awe at Lincong's story,

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Lincong...." Lori said softly

"It's fine, on the plus side, I have a cool super power!" Lincong said

" must've been a cool monster Lincong!" Lana said in awe

"Hehe, I get that allot." Lincong said with a smirk

"Anyway, Lincong, we found out where our dad's ancestors originated from!" Lincoln exclaimed

'Let me guess....Scotland?' Lincong rhetorically asked mentally

"Scotland!" Lincoln answered

Lincong smiled

"So, since you've found out where you've been, you're planning on going there?"

"Yes! and you can come with us!" Lincoln said

Lincong hesitated, he has been through this adventure before

'Oh man...I've been through this adventure before...'

....I just said that...

'You don't have to remind me!'


Lincong thought over it, and then realized something

'If I go with them, I can make sure to lead Lincoln to the right way, and nothing will go wrong ever again!'

Lincong in the Loud House MovieWhere stories live. Discover now