Chapter 2:

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Hi guys. Sorry the chapter is so late. I have been really busy lately seeings the fact that high school has taken over my life. Please enjoy this chapter and I will publish more soon.

Callum sat and waited. He couldn't control his newfound anger towards the large men. He wanted to pounce on them but knew that not only was he outnumbered by far but one of these men could probably snap his spine like it was a twig. So he waited. He waited for the opportune moment. Then one of the men grabbed Ruby. This was it... The man raised his gun and aimed it at Ruby's head. Reacting fast Callum unsheathed an arrow and let it loose at one of the men. It hit the man in the head but the arrow splintered into millions of pieces removing a layer of skin to reveal a metallic skull underneath it. These weren't ordinary men. They were cyborgs. They turned their heads in a 180° motion looking at me with piercing eyes. Callum froze. Then he ran and in the distance he heard the sound of a gunshot and the blood curdling scream of Ruby before it came to a sudden stop. He ran. He kept running and didn't look back until he was sure that Callum had lost them. Then he slowed down and kept walking until he reached a clearing. There he saw something that he had never seen before. It was like a mechanical bird with long metallic wings and steel bolts holding it all in place. He stood back, hoping that the bird didn't see him and attack. Then a flap lifted down from the bottom of the bird and out ran a group of cyborgs with loaded guns. Callum acted fast. He darted towards the entrance to the bird and climbed up the flap into the interior. He looked around at the inside of the metallic room and saw piles and piles of weapons. He ducked behind a crate of what Callum assumed were the energy guns that the cyborgs had used as one of the cyborgs dragged in the disfigured bodies of his friends. Callum wanted to scream but he knew that, that was a stupid idea. He didn't want to end up like them. Then the whole bird lifted up into the air. The flap slowly lifted up and Callum suddenly felt an array of emotions. He had always dreamed of leaving the island but never in this way. He didn't know what to think. So he decided to get out of what he assumed was the loading bay. He made his way around the massive towers of crates being careful not to be spotted by the cyborgs patrolling the area. He quickly advanced towards a small door on the left corner of the loading deck and advanced swiftly but silently down the winding corridor. He quickened his pace as the loading dock moved further and further away. Then He heard a voice. It was calling for him from down the end of the hallway. It was strange. He recognised it from somewhere but he didn't know where from. It was like a bad case of déjà vu. He had no clue where these memories were coming from. He ran down the hall as the voices surrounded him. It was echoing against the walls as it overpowered him. His ears were burning and he was out of breathe. Callum's visions started to blur. Then he fainted and collapsed onto a door. He fell into a janitorial cupboard with the door swinging shut behind him.
He awoke with his head resting against a feisty old bucket. He slowly recollected what had happened the previous day. He sat and thought. Then he cried. He sobbed. He didn't know what to do or where to go. He didn't care if he was caught. He didn't care if someone found him. He was dead anyway. He wanted it to be over quickly. Then he heard noises. Coming to a sudden realisation he knew that he didn't want to die. He didn't want to end up like his friends. He ran. Ran from the cupboard. Ran from the piles of crates. He ran until he reached the flap. He looked around and saw a lever on the wall to the right of him. He wrapped his hands around the lever hoping that it did what he wanted it to do. Callum tugged at the handle and the flap at the bottom of the metallic bird opened up. It was then that he realised that the bird was in the air. As he stared at the abyss he knew that he had no hope of survival. He turned around as a flashing light started to whirl and the many cyborgs headed his way knowing that there was an intruder on the ship.
"Fuck!" Callum exclaimed. He knew he had no hope of survival if he stayed here on the ship so he took his chances at jumping. At least it will be a more merciful death. The cold air whipped across his face as the ground came closer to his face. He knew that he was dead. But as he came closer to the ground he saw a giant piece of mesh to stop his fall. He realised that he might not die after all. Callum closed his eyes as he hit the mesh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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