Unholy Matrimony: Part Two Chapter One

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Unholy Matrimony:Part Two

Copyright © Valerie Lopez

All Rights Reserved.


A/N: Yes, I finally updated! I know, I know, I have failed times and again to updates this new segment in my story but I was dealing with a bad case of Writer Block, and my dad on me for not having good enough grades.

So those were pretty much the majority of reasons (*cough* more like excuses) why I couldn't update.

In addition I just added this towards my Unholy Matrimony Part One. I think it'll be easier for new readers. Also can you vote for me, for the Wattys!!!!! 

So if any of you guys forgotten what happened in the last chapter of Unholy Matrimony: Part One here is a recap.


I started ripping the paintings off the wall and ripping them open. After ripping at least two painting, and Kadious’ guards almost about to enter the room, did I find a small metallic box in one of the canvas.

Hurriedly I opened it, revealing the beautiful necklace.

Gosh, it looked even more amazing in actuality.

“Hey I think I’ve found it”, I called to Toby.

He looked up from his ransacking to come over, just as the door fell down.

“Give it to me”, Toby yelled to me as the guards came pouring in, Kadious in the middle of the bedlam.

I gave it to him, giving a hateful glare at Kadious.

Toby using some sort of magic had manifested the necklace into a black hole, similar to the one that brought me here to the first place.

How ironic that Tobias, the one who kidnapped me and brought me here was kidnapping me to get me out.

“Don’t go with him Layla he’s dang-“, Kadious started but before he could finish we jumped into the hole.


Yeah, a very 'Dun, Dun, DUN!!!' ending if I do say so myself.

But anywho I hope you enjoy the story, and remember to vote/comment/fan because I really want to enter this into the Watty Award 2011.

Thanks again.


You know that feeling of guilt, when you know you mad a very stupid decision and when the consequences seemed to unveil itself do you finally realize it.

Well, that's exactly how I was feeling.

Ever since I jumped into that portal with Tobias, my mind was at battle with each other.

Some days I would totally agree with my decision of leaving Kadious, and then other days I mentally chastise myself for it.

“Layla, ready?”, Tobias asked, his green piercing eyes twinkling in concern.

I slowly nodded my head.

Sure, Tobias had been the perfect gentlemen, but there was times I wondered about his motives.

I still had to remind myself of what he was, he was also a creature of the night.

His good looks, were designed to entrance his prey before killing them, this I had to remind myself whenever I managed to fantasize about him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2011 ⏰

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