Little story*2

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In this little story This so what happens when someone try's to do something to finney and Robin sees
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As Robin was walking to the quad of the campus he heard a familiar voice

Finney:s s s stop
Radom boy:no just let me make you feel good

Robin walked were the voice was from to see some guy trying to kiss Finney

Robin:he told you to stop dipshit!
Radom boy:who the hell are you
Robin:that don't matter, come one

Robin grabs Finneys had and drags him to the quad
As Robin puts Finney down he checks him for bruises to find some on him

Robin:that son of a bitch!

Robin get up fast and went to the spot he found that guy at and he wasn't there he went to the other students of the school to ask for him there was a group of kid that know where he was

Robin:get me him now!

Robin waits for the group to bring the guy
As Robin walk up to Finney

Robin:are you okay baby?
Finney:yes I'm fine

Robin puts his lips on Finneys lips not kissing him to long
As he hears the group come back whit the guy the was hurting Finney

Robin:well well well who do we have here?
Guy:I'm not going to tell you shit!
Robin:tell me his name!
Mark:his name is Cole as he just started here today.
Robin:okay Cole let me tell you the rules!
Robin:rule1-don't mess whit him!
Robin:rule2-if you hurt him I hurt you!
Robin:okay but since you have broken a rule I will have to make you feel his pain!

Robin had backend up and swung at the boy hitting him in the face the group that had a hold of the boy had let go to see him stumble almost falling to the ground
Cole throws Robin moves Robin then throws a punch hitting him making the boy fall to the ground
Robin pick him up to see if the guy can punch him
Robin let himself get him and wam he punched the kid square in the face then he got on top of the boy them smack him on the face letting him have flash backs to when he was 13-14 in that fight whit his old friend
As we all know Robin won 🎉 the kid had to be sent to the office

Family gathering (Rinney) (im stop working on this book for a bit)Where stories live. Discover now