Chapter 3

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Now my cousin my be Lydia Martin but I hate parties with a passion. I would hide in my room when she threw her extravagant parties came to light and when her 16th birthday party came to light, I had to watch all the crazy shit happen. More of the fact, I hadn't learn how to control how to feel people's emotions and got extremely overwhelmed. That feeling of trying not to panic while panicking and trying to find Scott and Stiles to help didn't go well. They were drunk out of their minds and I had to watch a random girl dunk Stiles head into the pool. Bringing him back to reality and then finding out the cops came. That was a great thing to explain to my Aunt.   

"I really don't do parties. Let alone parties that are for orientation. It can just be to much. Not only that, my cousin ruined parties for me when she threw her 16th birthday party. So it's gonna be pass for me." I say trying to find a way around going to this event. "But you have to some though! It's a good way to meet people." I hear Terra say and I just sigh. "How about I try to go. Does that work for you?" I ask and I hear her laugh. "You know, going out would be nice" I hear a girl say. "My name's Aisha. Haven't had the chance to introduce myself" I hear her say, as I turn to face her. I put my hand out and I feel her hand grip mine. "I was swimming earlier, so I didn't see you come in." She says and I smile at her. "No worries, I figured we'd meet sooner or later." I say and I let go of her hand. 

Looking at Terra, I see that she has a thing of brownies in her hand. Feeling my eyes glow for a moment, I turn to her hearing her thoughts out loud. "Did you really make pot brownies? If so, do you have bud left over? I forgot to stock up while I was in Cali." I say feeling a little embarrassed that I'm even asking. "Oh sure! Let me just-" Terra says, putting the brownies down and turning her attention to an empty pot. Feeling my eyes glow along with her, I see a weed plant pop up out of the soil. I smile and start to snip off some of the flower. "Thank you" I say and grab what I need to make a blunt. "I will meet you all at the party" I say and walk towards my room, putting the bud in the grinder and starting to grind. I hear a "Your welcome" and foot steps leading to the door. I hear it open and close, then hear nothing but silence spread throughout the whole suite. Taking a deep breath, I finish making the blunt and grab my lighter. 

Putting on my shoes, I set off to the orientation party looking for anyone familiar. Turning my head to the left I see Terra and a boy arguing and then I see Terra's eyes glow. Rushing over to her, I try to find out what's going on. "Terra I don't know what happen but you need to let him down. Now!" I say trying to get her to put down the boy. Seeing him start to gasp harder, I feel my eyes glow and I see Terra's aura. Bright red flashes through the green and yellow hues, telling me she was angry. I feel my power reach her, calming her down and putting the red flashes at bay with pink streaks instead. This let's me know she was calmed down but also mildly irritated. Hearing the boy take a deep breath, I turn and look at him. It was the same boy that I slammed into earlier, along with another boy. I feel Terra walk off, seeing her aura switch up from blue hues swirled in with purple and red flashes again. Knowing she was embarrassed, I let her walk off to let her cool down. "I don't know what you did to piss her off but next time she tries to strangle you, I'm going to let her finish the job." I say to the panting boy. "I don't know why we keep bumping into each other but I'm tell you my name. My name is Kaitlyn but I like being called Kate for short. Just for, you know, future instances where I save your ass. Again." "Pft. Not likely going to happen again but my names Riven." He says and I feel myself get irritated. "Bro, eat your pride. It's ok to get help once in a while." I say as I walk by him, bumping my shoulder against his. 

As I'm walking, I feel my phone buzz from a text. Grabbing my phone and looking at it I see I got a text from Terra. 'Bloom went to the first world. Going to the cabin in the woods to find her. Meet us there' I groan at the text and jog to the woods. Feeling an odd sense of dejavu, I find them all around the cabin with Bloom standing in the front. "What's going on?" I ask and I hear a loud shriek. "A burned one in the first world" I hear Terra say and I feel myself stiffen. "What's a burned one?" I ask and I don't get an answer from anyone, only hearing the wind between the trees. "Dowling won't let it get away. Your parents are safe Bloom" I hear Aisha say and Bloom gets a guilty look on her face. "Well that thing took Stella's ring" she says and I feel the air shift. 'That's not good' I think as we all start to walk to the suite. Getting to the courtyard, I remember that I had the blunt in my pocket. "Hey guys, I'm gonna stay out here for a moment. Need the little bit of fresh air" I say stopping behind them all. "Okay, meet us back at the room when your done" Aisha says and I nod in affirmation. 

Hearing them continue walking, I pull the blunt out of my jacket pocket and put it in my mouth. Grabbing a lighter out of the other pocket, I light the blunt near a pole and take a deep breath. "Who would've thought you smoked?" I hear Riven ask and I feel myself jump. "Never remember you asking" I say trying to get him to walk away. "May I?" he asks and before I can reply, he plucks the blunt out of my fingers and puts it in his mouth. Giving him a look, I try to take it back. "Burning the midnight oil?" I hear him ask and I turn to see a girl in dark clothes. "Snorting adderall is more like it. But eventually I'll need sleep." I hear her say and I see him lift the blunt up. "Uh Uh fido. Find your own weed to offer." I say and grab the blunt back. "Pretty please can I have a hit?" she asks and I roll my eyes, turning away from her as I take a hit. Feeling my eyes glow, I see her aura. Multiple shades of purple show throughout the cloud, but I also see gray streaks with blue throughout it as well. Feeling my eyes return normal, I feel myself grow uneasy. I can hear her thoughts start to rise as I tune into the wavelength. I don't like what I was hearing and her being here means she's up to no good.

I turn to Riven where he pulled out his own joint and start blowing smoke into the girls mouth. I bring the blunt back to my mouth and take another hit. I hear him click his tongue and say "Your a first year." Seeing her smile, her remark back made me want to bang my head against the wall. "I'm a lot of things." She says and walks away from the both of us. I scoff and finish my blunt, throwing the stub on the ground to put it out. "She's up to no good, I'm telling you now." I say as I begin walking away. "If that's what she is, what are you?" I hear him ask and I feel myself smile. "Better intentions. Better company. Also, the girl with the really good weed." I say walking towards the suite. I hear him groan lightly and I begin to giggle, opening the door to my suite. Seeing that everyone is getting ready for bed, I make my way to the bathroom to do the same. After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I make my way to my shared room. Seeing that Stella was not there, I climb into bed turning off the light behind me. 'Hope she's all right' I think as I turn to get comfy in the bed. Sighing, I feel my eyes start to get heavy and I feel myself get pulled into a dreamless night. 

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